
Things Highly Efficient People Have in Common

Things Highly Efficient People Have in Common

You probably know at least one highly efficient person. They always seem to have everything under control and always seem to get things done on time, if not early. They never seem to be frazzled or stressed and always seem to have a plan.

What is their secret? What do highly efficient people have in common? Let’s take a look and learn what they have in common because when you know what they do, you can learn to be like them.

They Set Priorities

Highly efficient people know what is essential and what isn’t. They set priorities and stick to them. This allows them to focus their time and energy on the things that matter most and get them done quickly.

They Make Lists

Making lists helps you become more organized and efficient. Highly efficient people make lists of the things they need to do, and then they use those lists to plan their time and get things done.

They Delegate

Highly efficient people know that they can’t do everything themselves. They delegate tasks to others to make sure that everything gets done. This frees up their time to focus on what they are good at and need their attention.

They Don’t Procrastinate

Procrastination is the enemy of efficiency. Highly efficient people don’t put off the things they need to do. Instead, they get them done as soon as possible to move on to the next thing.

They Focus

Highly efficient people know how to focus. They can tune out distractions and zero in on the task at hand. This allows them to get things done quickly and without mistakes.

They Take Breaks

Highly efficient people know that they can’t work all the time. They take breaks to rest and rejuvenate. This allows them to return to their work refreshed and ready to be productive.

They Set Goals

Highly efficient people know where they want to be and set goals to get there. This gives them something to work towards and helps them stay on track.

They Stay Organized

Highly efficient people are organized. They know where everything is, and they have a system for everything. This helps them waste less time looking for things and keeps them on track.

They Say No

Highly efficient people know how to say no. They know they can’t do everything and aren’t afraid to turn down requests that will take them away from their goals.

They Simplify

Highly efficient people know that complicated things take longer and are more likely to have problems. They simplify as much as possible to save time and energy.

They Prioritize Their Time


Highly efficient people know that time is their most precious resource. They use their time wisely and make sure they spend it on the things most important to them.

Don’t compare yourself judgmentally with these commonalities highly efficient people have in common. Instead, figure out how to incorporate their attitude and mindset into your own life so you can also be highly efficient.

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Can You Really Be Too Busy?

Can You Really Be Too Busy?

You know what it’s like to be too busy. You’ve all been there: juggling a million things, running around like a chicken witch its head cut off, and feeling like you’re about to drop from exhaustion. However, you may not realize that being too busy is extremely counterproductive.

It makes you less productive, less effective, and more likely to make mistakes because you’re unable to pay close attention to the job you’re doing. In addition, studies have shown that when you’re under a lot of pressure, your brain doesn’t work as well. That may manifest as trouble focusing and remembering things and show up as careless errors.

And what’s even worse is that the more stressed you are, the harder it is to switch gears and relax. So even if you do have a few free minutes, you’re not able to fully enjoy them or use them effectively.

A few more problems with being too busy are:

  • You may miss important deadlines.
  • You may forget to do essential things.
  • You may neglect your health.
  • You may neglect your relationships.
  • You may become stressed and anxious.

Being too busy is honestly one problem after another. You may even be too busy to notice how ineffective you are in almost every area of your life. Plus, of course, the amount of joy you can feel when you’re overworked and too busy is greatly lessened than if you try to schedule and organize your life in a way that creates a balance with all areas of your life.

So, what can you do about it?

  • Recognize that being too busy is a problem. It’s not something to be proud of or boast about. It’s something to be avoided.
  • List your priorities and stick to them. If you know your needs versus wants, you can schedule them first.
  • Simplify your lifestyle and routine. Focus on your goals and what is most important to you. Identify what brings you joy and what you can live without. Let go of what doesn’t serve you and make room for what does.
  • Organize your time and space. By decluttering your life physically and emotionally, you can make space for what truly matters.
  • Learn to say no. You really can’t do everything, and you shouldn’t try. When you’re already stretched thin, the last thing you need is to take on even more.
  • Make time for Yourself. You need to schedule some downtime every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You must turn off phones, log off from work, and focus on relaxing and recharging. Set boundaries and practice enough self-care.
  • Get enough sleep. Plan to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours a night. Sleep is a crucial part of health and well-being, but it’s often the first thing to go when you’re busy. Ensure you’re getting enough rest so we can be at your best.
  • Ask for help and delegate. You can’t do it all alone, and when you finally admit that you’ll suddenly become much more productive. Asking for help shows strength, not weakness.

If you learn to manage your time better and avoid being too busy, you’ll be more productive, effective, and happier.

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Is Overscheduling Harmful to Your Health?

Is Overscheduling Harmful to Your Health?

When you overschedule yourself, you are harming not only your health but also your productivity. Overscheduling means that you are trying to pack too much into your day, resulting in you feeling overwhelmed and stressed– leading to health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even physical illness.

Here are just a few ways that overscheduling can harm your health:

It leads to burnout

If you’re constantly on the go, it’s only a matter of time before you start to feel burned out. When you’re overscheduled continuously, you never have time to rest and recharge, which can lead to serious health problems down the road.

It increases your stress levels

If you’re always running around trying to juggle everything, it’s no surprise that your stress levels will go through the roof. But unfortunately, high-stress levels directly cost a whole host of mental and physical health problems due to the high cortisone levels you release in your bloodstream.

It disrupts your sleep

When you’re overscheduled, it’s hard to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Unfortunately, this can lead to many health problems, including fatigue, irritability, and depression.

It makes you sick

It will affect your immune system if you’re always on the move and don’t get enough rest. Unfortunately, this means you’re more likely to get sick, and when you do, it’s likely to be more severe than it would otherwise be.

It ruins your relationships

When you’re always running around, it’s tough to find time for the people who are important to you. Plus, you may not be that fun to be around. Over-scheduling can put a strain on even the strongest of relationships.

If you’re starting to feel like you’re overscheduled because you notice the signs of the harm your current schedule is causing in your life, it’s essential to take a step back and reassess your priorities. Of course, your health should always be at the top of your list, so remember to put your needs first.

To avoid overscheduling is to figure out what your priorities are. What are the most important things you need to complete each day? Once you’ve determined your priorities, plan your day around them. Finally, leave some free time in your schedule to relax and rejuvenate yourself.

To create the best schedule for you, be realistic about how much time you have available. Packing too much into your day will make you feel rushed and stressed. When you are rushed and stressed, you will feel anxious and undone. Instead, give yourself enough time to finish tasks, including set up and tear down time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

If you realize you are overscheduled, don’t be afraid to say no to new commitments. You can’t do everything, and that’s okay. Prioritize your time to focus on the essential things in your life.

Overscheduling is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to control your life. Instead, focus on being mindful of your time and priorities. With the right mindset and focus, you can avoid overscheduling and live a healthier, happier life.

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Why Living in the Now Helps You Live a Better, More Successful Life

Everyone wants a better, more successful life. The key to having that is found in living in the now. You’ll hear people talk about living in the now but it can be something that’s difficult to define…


What Does It Mean to Live in the Now?


Living in the now means you maintain your focus on the present moment. It means that you don’t look to the past. Dwelling on the past is one of the reasons that so many people find themselves unhappy. You might be feeling like you wasted years of your life being in a certain relationship.


You might struggle with feelings of inferiority when looking at the past because you think of the life that you should have led. You might worry that the life you’ve had wasn’t productive enough. Maybe all you can see are missed opportunities. This leads to a struggle with regret.


Sometimes, this discontent leads to a struggle with shame. All that looking backward at the past does is to make you feel regret, nostalgia, or wish that you could rewind time to go back. You might think that if only you could go back in time, you could change things and have a better life.


“If only” thinking leads to deep dissatisfaction with the life that you have now. It can lead to feelings of grief and that can turn into depression. Looking toward the past is detrimental to living in the now. It can steal your present happiness. Accept the past for what it is. It made you who you are and gave you the strength and wisdom you now have. Appreciate it, but don’t let it be your focus.


If you’re looking to the future, that’s not living in the now either. When you live with what could be or focus on the future, you can get stuck in judgement. This can lead to not accepting yourself in the now or the life that you’ve built, which causes deep unhappiness.


It’s okay to look forward to the future and to plan for it, but not to the extent that it prevents you from being present in the moment. Living in the now is something that you want to strive for. It can be useful during times of stress or crisis when you keep your focus on the present. You won’t find yourself worrying about what has happened or what could happen.


You’ll be able to develop an attitude of handling a problem as it arises rather than living in a state of bracing for something to happen.


Not only can living in the now help you in times of stress and crisis but also just in managing day-to-day life. You’ll be able to take imperfections for what they are rather than allowing them to blossom into big deals. You’ll be able to appreciate the little things. You’ll stop measuring yourself and focus on self-love.

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The Most Overrated Emotion: Guilt


Guilt is an emotion people experience when they do something wrong (or think they did something wrong) whether they did it on purpose or not. Guilt is frequently an emotion people express when they fail at something or don’t accomplish something they worked hard toward. Guilt can be positive but more times than not, guilt is harmful and can be an overrated emotion.


Guilt is a Distraction


Guilt is more of a distraction than a useful emotion. Guilt distracts and detaches you from reality while you feel hopeless and sad about what you did. Instead, that time could be used to solve the actual problem or to forgive yourself or the person that may have caused that feeling in the first place.


Guilt is a distraction from the lesson to be learned. We often dwell on failing instead of why we experienced the failure, which distracts from learning from your mistakes. Instead, take the failure as a sign that you need to learn something. What did you miss? Discover it and realize it was a lesson, and eventually, you will overcome the obstacle if you don’t let guilt win first.


All Effort is Lost


Guilt makes you forget about all the effort you already put into it, which ultimately wastes even more of your time. Why did you also put in any effort if you were going to waste it by feeling guilty? Be proud of the hard work that you did even if you ultimately make a mistake or you didn’t succeed at a level that you thought you would.


Used for Control


Guilt is sometimes used to control large groups of people. Cults will use guilt to make their followers feel bad about themselves. Parents, teachers and bosses use it to get others to do what they want them to. Guilt is a potent tool to control you because your desire to want to feel better now relies on them.


Guilt is Unhealthy


The feeling of guilt is ultimately very unhealthy, both physically and mentally. It can cause high blood pressure, stress, and many other mental illnesses that can show up right on your body. This includes baggy eyes, weight gain, or even nausea and vomiting in severe cases.


Letting go of guilt will give you the freedom to learn and grow. Even when you make a mistake that doesn’t mean you are dumb or a bad person. The actions that you take next is what will determine that. Instead of dwelling on the mistakes you made, learn from them. Use that time to learn about yourself, so you avoid repeating the same actions. In time you will genuinely understand how useless and overrated guilt is.


So, next time you find yourself feeling guilty, as yourself “What can I do in this moment to change the way I feel?” Then take one small action in that direction.

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Setting Boundaries

If you have difficulty putting your own needs above those of others, you no doubt have issues with setting personal boundaries. Many of us struggle with this today. It seems more than ever before that people seem to be happy to let others pick up their slack or avoid taking responsibility for themselves and their actions.


What this means, to those of us who lack firm boundaries, is that we are the ones who take responsibility for others and pick up the slack. It is up to each of us to determine what we are comfortable doing in any relationship so that we stop feeling manipulated and can enjoy our lives.


Do You Need Stronger Personal Boundaries?


How do you know if you could use a shoring up of your boundaries?


Answer these questions to find out:


  • Do you believe your happiness depends on others?
  • Are you unable to say no, even when you want to?
  • Do you feel responsible for other people’s feelings?
  • Are you more concerned with what others think of you than what you think of yourself?
  • Do you feel constantly drained by all you have to do?
  • Do you always go only with what other people want instead of voicing your desires? Maybe because it’s simpler like that or because you are afraid of making someone angry?

If you recognize yourself in many of these questions, fear not! Next, we are going to discover how to set healthy personal boundaries and provide ways you can get started creating yours today.


Healthy Personal Boundaries


What is a healthy personal boundary? You deserve to choose to say no to taking on others’ responsibilities and choosing how you spend your time. Setting healthy personal boundaries isn’t about barricading yourself behind a wall, so you don’t get hurt, it’s about respecting yourself enough to admit what you want and demand it from others in your life.


Setting strong personal boundaries is an absolute must on your journey to making yourself a priority in your own life. Building healthy boundaries is one of the best ways you can put yourself and your needs first. They protect you from being taken advantage of, of being a doormat.


Personal boundaries also teach others how to treat you—with respect and care. Your boundaries should stay firm and clear, though you can choose in what situations to allow them to be flexible. They aid you in discovering your true self and making sure you live life on your terms. They develop your self-awareness and self-respect.

Steps to Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries


Now that you understand what boundaries are and you know yours should be stronger, let’s look at the steps to begin setting yours today. It’s important to realize and remember that setting boundaries is not a one-time deal. This process is learned, and everyone can do it!


Understand Yourself

The first thing you need to do is decide how you want to be treated by others.

One excellent way to begin this journey of self-discovery is to start a journal.


Clarify your Values

When we focus on other people’s needs and wants only, we stop spending time on ourselves to discover what we want and need. Now’s the time to change that!


You may want to clarify what you value in your life, what you want more of in your life, what are your deepest desires? Once you know what you desire and value in life, you’ll be able to use those to make decisions about how you spend your time and energy. Anything that doesn’t align with them will get an automatic, no thanks.


Choose Your Company

Just because you’ve always eaten lunch with a co-worker or been friends with someone for years doesn’t mean you have to continue. Now that you are more aware of what you want, it’s a great time to re-evaluate who you spend time with and who your friends are. Choose to enjoy time with people who respect your boundaries and who are positive and supportive.



When someone asks you to take care of something or attend a function, you should pause before you answer. Say you’ll have to check your calendar and get back to them. That will give you the time and space to decide if it’s something you genuinely want to take part in or not.


Accept the Process

Because making yourself a priority and putting boundaries in place is a process you must accept that you won’t always deal with situations correctly. There will be slip ups! Learn from each experience and keep going. Be kind to yourself and accept that all journeys have their ups and downs.


Feel into your Body

When a situation occurs, or you are asked to take on a new responsibility, check in with your body. How do you feel within yourself? Do you feel relaxed? Are you naturally smiling? Or, are your shoulders tight? Is your stomach queasy? Get to know how your emotions show up in your body.

Beware the Vampires

Now that you know you can use your body as a reaction gage begin noticing how it feels around different people. We all have to deal with the occasional energy vampire—a person who drains you of energy just by being around them. Using your body as your guide, notice who saps your energy and then find ways to weed them out of your life. You’ll be much happier without them.

Resist the Urge to Fix

Have you ever noticed how many people come to you to vent their frustration and anger or ask for advice or help? It will take some practice, but resist the urge to fix their lives for them. Instead, show compassion and empathy.


Embrace Flexibility

Just because you have set personal boundaries doesn’t mean you have to say a firm no to everything. Each situation is a bit different. You may find as time goes on you want to alter your boundaries. That’s perfectly normal. Your new motto should be “If it feels right, do it.”


Tips for Stating Your Boundaries

Creating and maintaining your limits is a process that will become easier the more you practice.


Don’t worry. We aren’t going to leave you to your own devices on how to go about standing up for yourself! You may be worried that putting boundaries in place will turn you into a selfish, harsh person. But trust us when we say that there are ways to do this that are kind and gentle. Below are some suggestions to stand up for yourself without feeling like a monster.


  • Stating your boundaries isn’t a commentary. Don’t give into the feeling that you need to explain or defend your decision. The other person doesn’t have the right to judge or comment on your decision.
  • If someone starts to beg or argue with you after you set a boundary, simply restate your original explanation and end the conversation. Be firm, but courteous.
  • Use unassuming, direct language when standing your ground. Don’t give excuses or explain why you’ve come to this decision. You only need to state your answer or choice.
  • If you have judgmental people in your life, start drawing attention to your needs by telling them that it’s not okay with you for them to criticize.
  • Remember, pausing before agreeing to something is your new best friend.

If someone is offended or angered by your new boundaries, keep in mind that is their issue. When you start to stand your ground, they won’t like it. But don’t back down! Soon they’ll be someone else’s problem.

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Finding Joy and Happiness in Difficult Times

As sure as the sun rises and sets each day, you will have periods in your life when things are just not going your way. In reality, life is basically a constant fluctuation of emotional highs and lows.

While most of our time is spent in the fairly even, mundane state of emotional normalcy, this is broken up by the peaks of the best of times and unfortunately, the valleys when nothing is going right.

While hardly anyone ever seeks information on how to deal with the best moments of their lives, handling the lows can be a difficult task. Today we live in very troubled times, a pandemic has taken over most of the world, and people are being affected in many profound and very real ways.

Everything that surrounds getting through this pandemic is based in suffering and pain, its just the nature of the beast. Death, isolation, fear, facing the unknown and grief and loss can strip us of our joy and may lead to depression.

While you cannot control what happens outside your door, you CAN control yourself. There are things you can do to maintain a positive and even joyful mindset.

In this discussion, we are going to talk about three tips for doing just that.

1. Surround Yourself With The Right People

 It is often said that we are the sum total of the five people we surround ourselves with most often. If that is the case, making sure you get the right people around you, especially when going through a difficult period, is critical to hold on to your joy. Often times when life is really beating us up, we retreat into the solitude of our home, wanting to throw the covers of our heads and be left alone with our thoughts.

Make no mistake; sometimes periods of solitude are healthy and necessary. Right now, isolation is the norm as we fight a health crisis. However, when you find yourself in a really low spot, robbed of your joy, connecting with those who make you happy is mandatory.

Although it may seem obvious in concept, avoiding people who have the opposite effect can sometimes be the real battle. Negative individuals are especially important to keep out of your life when you are already struggling to find joy in your current situation.

You can stay connected during Shelter In Place orders, when you are isolating at home to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Technology has seen to that.

·         Face Time on iPhones and Video calls on Android

·         Skype

·         A simple phone call

·         Email

·         Text

·         Zoom and other video conferencing software can bring together friends and family while staying safe and following health official’s orders.

·         Good old-fashioned letter writing

2. Remember That Nothing Is Permanent


Nothing in life is permanent. Fortunately, nothing in life is permanent! Let’s state that again, this will pass.

During periods of extreme happiness and joy, thinking about the temporary nature of each season in life is not something we like to dwell on.

On the contrary, keeping this truth in mind during the low times can be very beneficial. Whatever you are going through, no matter how bad it may be, it WILL pass.

In fact, most of the difficult times you experience in life will end without any extra effort on your part. It is so easy to get into the mentality that we have to put forth an immense amount of effort to make something bad go away.

Even though this is sometimes the case, most of the time, TIME is the only remedy for tough situations. If you want to maximize your joy during difficult times, remember that your situation is not the way things are, only the way they are RIGHT NOW.

3. Base Your Happiness On Yourself

 Since we have discussed how life is divided into highs and lows and the fact that nothing will lasts forever, this leads to another thing to keep in mind during the best AND the worst periods.

If you want to have joy and happiness on a consistent basis, it absolutely cannot be dictated by your circumstances. If you let every good thing that happens to you leave you soaring on cloud nine and every negative situation send you crashing to earth, you will go through life in a state of emotional exhaustion! Stable, consistent, sustainable joy can only be created and found within yourself.

Life is far less about what happens to you than it is how you react to it. You are in charge of how you feel. Don’t fall into the routine of letting happiness get to your head and failure to your heart. 

To find out how you can add joy and happiness to your life every day, download the FREE Choose You Checklist below.

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The Top 3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Living in the NOW!

Living in the now may sound like a New Age concept for hippies, but it can be one of the most powerful tools for living your best life once you start to practice it.  We are human beings, not human ‘doings’, and yet most of us, especially in the West, are constantly chasing after what we believe to be ‘success’.

Yet success is not a fixed concept. It is in the eye of the beholder. In the West, being a veterinarian, doctor or lawyer might be considered a sign of success, yet we know that there are many unhappy doctors. In fact, they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. (Veterinarians are actually #1 on the list of professionals most likely to commit suicide.)

The drive to constantly do something makes us distracted and keeps us so focused on the daily grind that we have little time for relaxation, de-stressing, or self-development. Even worse, it makes us feel stuck, as if we can’t change because we have no time, that the whole world we have created for ourselves will fall apart and more.

Here, you will discover the power of living in the now in order to achieve personal transformation, and how you can be more present in your life in every sense of the word.

Let’s look at one of the main reasons we fail to live fully in the present and sacrifice our personal power, the mistake of living in the past.

  1. Let Go of the Past

Many of us think we are living in the present, day after day, but the truth is that we are often more focused on the past and future than on the present. We are plugged into a particular role in our family from the time we are born.

Yet it is all a question of perception. For example, having children may be a priority to one person to continue the human race, yet another may believe that zero children is the way to go, because of the current world situation, not wanting to be responsible for bringing a child into a world that is already overcrowded, with many people living below the poverty line.

Old habits die hard, even when you long to make positive changes in your life. Sticking to your worst habits you know you should change is a lot easier than breaking them, such as quitting smoking or stopping overeating.

We also stay stuck in order to avoid conflict. No one wants to be alone in life, so we put up with certain situations in order to maintain the relationship. Why? Because change is scary. For anyone who has ever wondered how any battered wife would remain with the spouse who has been harming her, the truth is that the future is more frightening for her than her current situation, even though it is so terrible.

The past soon becomes a pattern. And If something traumatic happens to us, it can often cause us to ‘freeze’ in that moment and have trouble moving on, or changing. A death in the family might be one example. A bad break-up with a spouse might be another, causing us to have trouble ever trusting or loving anyone ever again.

Living in the present allows you to create a new identity by releasing the pain and the self-limiting thoughts from the past, and taking things one day at a time. 

  1. Avoid Getting Wrapped Up in the Future

Another reason we get stuck in our lives is because we get too wrapped up in the future and don’t pay enough attention to the present. Most of us are so busy chasing the future of our dreams that we overlook the joys of the present. Even worse, if we don’t get what we think we desperately want, our life might seem ‘ruined’. Look at all the pressure put on teens to get good grades so they can get into the college of their choice. If they don’t get in for any reason, they often feel as if they are failure or as if their life is ruined.

Happily married couples think kids and a home of their own will make their lives perfect, until they discover one of the partners is infertile or the roof starts to fall in due to heavy winter snow. It’s times like these that test a person’s character, and often make or break even the best relationships.

Outside stresses abound, but we place a lot of stress on ourselves due to all our expectations, thoughts and desires. We spend so much time chasing after the future we want, such as money for the down payment on that dream house, we fail to live in the now. We do what we have to in order to keep our jobs so we can keep on earning in order to pay the mortgage, but there seems little time for anything other than work and other commitments. Then we get frustrated and feel like a giant hamster running in a wheel all the time.

This constant doing instead of being, of living in the future, instead of living in the now, can cause anger and frustration to build. Very few of us are at our best when we are stressed and angry. It can cause us to do something we will regret; such as do or say something to our partner that might be very hurtful.

The truth is that your life unfolds moment by moment in the present. In the time it’s taken you to read that sentence, about 10 seconds have already passed into the past. By the time you finish, which might take about another 10 seconds, those future seconds will become the present, and then the past.

Understanding this can help you realize just how precious your time is, and how each present moment is the foundation to a happier future if you take time to live in the now.

  1. Live in the Present

There are many ways you can train yourself to cut links with the past and stop chasing the future so you can live in the present. This will mean some focus and effort, but the results will be well worth it.

  • Try meditation.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Don’t follow your thoughts.
  • Give up the myth of multitasking.
  • Don’t follow your fantasies.
  • Stop thinking the grass is greener.
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
  • Just do it, and pay attention while you do it.
  • Set your intention for the day and for each action.
  • Stop judging.
  • Always begin where you are.
  • Your best is good enough.
  • Stop watching the clock all the time.
  • Go with the flow.
  • Divorce yourself from media.
  • Make regular time for loved ones.

As American cartoonist Bil Keane said, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”

Being present is a gift that will keep on giving, to your family, and above all, yourself, as you discover the power of living in the here and now. 

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How Much Time Have You REALLY Got?

How Much Time Have You Got?

How Much Time Have Your REALLY Got?

We all have the same 24 hours in each day but how we USE those same 24 hours will determine your level of success. Have you ever analyzed what tasks you accomplish during the day, especially on those days where you question where the day went and wished you had an extra eight hours to finish your to-do list? Knowing where you spend your time is part of the equation for success.

Are You a Do-It-Yourselfer?

When you’re first starting your business it makes sense that you want to watch your budget and not hire any outside help. After all, you need to make money before you spend money, right? Do-it-yourself business owners take on every task that deals with sales, marketing, billing, and operations, plus everything else that doesn’t fall into those categories. But if you’re working on closing a sale, it stands to reason that you don’t have the time to develop a strong marketing campaign or to create content for your website or social media channels. Do-it-yourselfers are stretched too thin and become an expert at nothing. Very often these business owners feel behind, like they’re always playing catch up with what their clients need and trying to salvage those relationships instead of forging the way to bring in new business.



Are You a Business Leader?

Business leaders know they can’t do everything themselves. They see grand plans for the future of the business and know what their own strengths and weaknesses are. These leaders will shop around for expert advisers, coaches, and assistants to handle the myriad tasks involved in the backend of the business so they can dedicate their time to finding new clients and building those relationships while their team handles their own areas of expertise.




Can You Go from Do-It-Yourselfer to Business Leader?

Of course! Don’t be intimidated by others who tell you something is impossible. In order to change your mindset, find a mindset coach who can help you work through the reasons why you need to do everything yourself and identify your fears about hiring help. Find a business coach who can analyze your backend operations and give advice for automating certain tasks or suggestions for who to hire next. Consider a social media manager to keep your accounts current with posts and to engage your audience. Hire a virtual assistant to manage your email and your calendar while you’re handling sales and marketing. Think of how much time you will save if every one of these team members do their own jobs within the same 24 hour time period. You will definitely see faster growth in your business but making that first hiring hurdle can be tough.

If you’re ready for a complete business analysis and ready to grow your business, contact me for a discovery call. A good business coach can simplify your business operations and create a blueprint of how to proceed with hiring a team. By using your time smarter, you will see an instant increase in your business success.

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Why You Need a Niche Market!

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Are you trying to learn everything about everything in an effort to save money? Sure, it’s tough to admit you need help but if you continue being everything to everyone, you’ll burn out and resent your business.
Years ago when I was first starting my coaching business I was in an online conversation about the importance of choosing a niche for your business rather than just saying, “I want to serve EVERYBODY.” Of course, you want to make money so instinctively business owners tell themselves that it’s better to appeal to more people than a selective few. But somebody in the conversation responded by saying, “Do you want to be known as a coach, or do you want to be known as a productivity and time management consultant?”

The point is a coach appeals to everyone but they depend on the sheer volume of customers to make their profit. A productivity and time management consultant, on the other hand, appeals to a very specific demographic which has the disposable income to spend and desire to increase their productivity so they can get more done in less time, therefore making more money by working smarter, not harder. So a productivity and time management consultant can make the same profits as a generalist coach by serving a more selective customer base.

Use time wisely

A similar argument can be made for why business owners should work with business coaches: owners can’t possibly know EVERYTHING there is to know about business as well as knowing everything about their chosen niche. There’s just not enough time in the day and you’d stretch yourself too thin.

Owners are more focused on their business niche (rightfully so) providing relevant services and products for their customers whereas business coaches have a greater understanding of business practices overall and work with businesses in many different niches. If you’re trying to learn everything you can about efficient back-end processes, for example, you’re taking time away from your money-making marketing efforts to your niche customers, which could negatively affect your profits. Whereas your business coach can give you advice about efficient back-end processes plus help you implement them while you continue with your marketing efforts.
Think about large corporations. Does the company president know everything there is to know about the inner workings of the company and the daily processes? Probably not, that’s why there’s a CEO and department heads; they focus on their own specialties and advise the president, who then makes decisions based on that input. The same can be said about your business; you’re the president of your company and your productivity and time management consultant can advise you about which steps will yield the most profits.

If you’re ready to work with a productivity and time management consultant, I’ve got some openings in my calendar for new clients so contact me to book your discovery call.

Click here!

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