The Value Of Organizing Tomorrow Today


The Value Of Organizing Tomorrow Today

If you want to maximize your effectiveness and the amount you get done each day, organize tomorrow, today. The second that you open your eyes you can already be clear and certain about what you have to do that day.

It’s much more effective than trying to plan your day on the fly!

In the evening, you’re much more objective about the next day than you are when you’re in the midst of it. It’s easy to plan a trip to the gym the day before. It’s not as easy to do so on the same day when it’s raining, and you’re just not in the mood.

The best time to plan tomorrow is today!


Follow this process:

A. What do you want to accomplish? Depending on your job, health, family, hobbies, and life in general, what you want to accomplish will vary. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish tomorrow. Include tasks that help you to reach your goals. Your list might have activities like this:

  • Make a nutritious lunch for kids.
  • Be at the office by 7:45.
  • Give a great presentation at work at 2:00pm.
  • Eat a healthy lunch.
  • Work out for 30 minutes.
  • Practice piano for 30 minutes.
  • Speak with an employee about frequent absences.
  • Call my financial planner to schedule a meeting about my portfolio.


B. What are the best ways to accomplish those tasks? There are many ways to accomplish something. But there is only one best way. Think of your resource constraints (including time) and determine the optimal way for you to accomplish the tasks you’ve identified as most important.

  • What foods will you include in your child’s lunch?
  • What is the best route to get to work? What time do I have to get up in order to be at work by 7:45?
  • What do I need to do to be prepared for the presentation? Do I need to reserve a room? Who should be present?
  • What will I have for lunch? Will I bring it or go out to eat?
  • What type of workout will I do? Where?
  1. What are the obstacles you’re likely to face? Consider everything that might get in your way and develop a plan that will address those obstacles.  If something goes wrong, how are you going to handle itMake a plan that has the greatest possibility of avoiding the fewest obstacles as possible.
  2. When are you going to do your tasks? Decide when you’re going to do each of the items on your list. Bill Gates plans his day in 6-minute intervals. You might not have to be that precise. Find a method that works for you.
  3. Evaluate your day and try again. At the end of the day, take a look at your day and look for ways to do better. Use what you learned to improve your planning process.
    • What did you accomplish?
    • What did you fail to get done?
    • When are you going to do it?
    • What could you have done better?

Make the most important decisions about your day the night before. The day is for executing, not deciding.

Save your decision-making time for the evening when you can be more objective and thoughtful.

Put your nose to the grindstone during the day and get things accomplished. Living life by the seat of your pants might be exciting, but it’s not the most productive way to live. Make a good plan and then follow it to the best of your ability. The quality of your life will soar.



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Embrace Gratitude

A Great Way to Embrace Gratitude Every Day

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions that you can experience. It connects you to what is truly important in your life. It reminds you that as long as you’re breathing, everything is going to be okay. And it helps frame your day, your expectations, and your actions. Embracing gratitude can be as simple as saying thank you. Here are the top ten ways you can invite more gratitude into your life.

# Start a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude journals became popular about ten years ago. Oprah talked about how powerful gratitude was for her and people took note. A gratitude journal is a daily practice where you write down a number of things that you’re grateful for every day.

You can make it part of your daily routine by writing in your journal first thing in the morning as you look at your day or last thing at night. There are mobile apps for gratitude journaling or you can buy a journal. A simple college ruled notebook works too. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

If you need help with recognising gratitude in your life, then call me on +61402855787 for a FREE discovery call, or download this great Gratitude Tool to give you a jumpstart.


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3 Tips to Start Your Day

Deciding The Best Way for You to Start Your Day Positively

You have decided to start your days with morning gratitude and/or positive thinking. That is great. Now you have to decide how to do it. You have nearly endless options to choose from. Here are some tips for deciding what to choose.

1. It Works For You

Not every option works for everyone. That is normal and to be expected. Everyone is different, after all. Try a few of the options and see what works for you. If something does not seem to work for you, do not feel bad, and definitely do not try to force yourself to keep doing it.

There are many options out there and you will find something that resonates with your soul if you keep looking. Do not settle on the first thing you try unless it grabs you and refuses to let go. Try different options. Experiment.

2. You Can Do It Consistently

Consider your schedule when weighing options. Some methods take more commitment than others, even if that is only a few minutes longer. How much time do you have in the morning? Not just some mornings, either, but every morning.

If you only have a few minutes most days, making a gratitude list in your head is probably a better idea than trying to fit in 30 (or even 10) minutes of yoga. That is not to say that you cannot do more than one thing. Perhaps you can do your gratitude lists every morning and do yoga as well on the weekends.

Remember that whatever you choose must be something you can do each and every day, or at least on 90 percent of them. Life does happen, after all.

3. You Like It (So You Will Do It)

Do you know the number one reason people fail at starting a gym routine? It is not a lack of time or commitment. It is simply that they do not like what they are doing. Humans are strange creatures who are not likely to continue doing something they do not like, at least not unless they have an overwhelmingly good reason to do so.

The same thing applies to trying to create other new habits too. If you do not like something, you probably will not keep it up. Likewise, it is hard to stop bad habits because on some level you like them, and your brain goes – Quit? Why?

This is slightly different than the first tip (something must work for you) because they are two different things. Ninety minutes a day on a treadmill will work to make anyone fit, but few people like that enough to do it!

I find a Gratitude morning ritual is very simple, quick and easy. As soon as I wake up, I take about 3 minutes to ponder on 3 things I have to be grateful for today. This morning it was another day on this earth, my physical health and my 4 amazing children, who are also my four best friends. It’s a wonderful way to start each day.

If you need help developing a morning ritual to start your day with Gratitude, download my FREE “I am Grateful for….” Worksheet .


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