Mental Health, Mindfulness, Productivity, Working Mums

Why Don’t I Finish What I Start?

Why Don’t I Finish What I Start?

Maybe you’re reading this article as you are about to abandon the twelfth project you’ve started and left unfinished in the last three months. Maybe you’ve never been able to finish something you’ve always wanted to complete. Either way, there are reasons you don’t finish what you start, and it may not be for the reasons you think.


The number one reason you probably aren’t finishing what you start is that you are probably procrastinating. To solve your procrastination habit, you need to know why you are procrastinating. Are you constantly being distracted by other tasks? Do you harbor a fear that you won’t like working on your project? Once you get to the bottom of your reasons for procrastination, you’ll better be able to combat it and conquer it. Then you’ll be able to work more on the project you want to finish.


Another reason you may not be finishing what you start is that you suffer from feelings of lethargy. Lethargy is when you have no energy because you have lost enthusiasm for the task at hand. You might have lost enthusiasm because you’ve been working on the task too long and procrastinating, as mentioned above. You feel that you are unappreciated for your efforts. You can conquer lethargy by breaking tasks into much smaller pieces and rewarding yourself along the way.

You Overestimated Yourself or the Project

When you start something new, you are often fueled by excitement, and this may lead you to misjudge a project and the work it will take on your end to complete it. Then, during the project, you may realize you don’t have the capabilities or time to finish what you started. The best way to solve this problem is to be more realistic while planning a project. Make sure you carefully lay out your entire plan to see the project more clearly and solve future issues before they occur.

Overall, finishing all the projects you start is difficult, but this doesn’t mean you should give up so easily. Instead, work to find the reasons behind your procrastination and lethargy and work to solve them. You can also boost yourself by considering every project you start more in-depth at the beginning of the project. Pretty soon, you’ll be well on your way to finishing that one project you’ve just never gotten around to.

What have you started and not finished? If you would like some help in getting back on track with this project then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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