Journaling, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development

How Journaling Can Help with Mental Health Issues

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Keeping any type of journal will help with improving any mental health issues. However, if you really want to tackle a specific problem youíre having, it will help to determine the right type of journal to keep. Keeping a particular kind of journal may work best for your issue.

* Boosts Your Mood ñ If you really want to boost your mood, keeping a gratitude journal is where itís at. All you have to do is once a day, preferably before bed, write down what youíre grateful for today. It might not seem like much but itís very powerful for going to sleep, thinking positively about your life.

* Increases Your Sense of Well-Being ñ As you write out your thoughts, youíll start seeing issues from a new angle just because youíre opening your mind to think about it. This is going to make you feel more capable of dealing with whatever happens.

* Lessens Symptoms of Depression ñ Understand that depression is something different from sadness, and that you likely need a counselor. Writing it all down can make it seem less horrific so that you can feel better. Plus, you can look back at days you thought life was “over” and see better days after.

* Reduces Anxiety ñ The problem with anxiety is that it was designed to help us get away from immediate danger. It triggers the “fight or flight” response. If each time you have that anxious feeling you choose to write in your journal how you are feeling and why, youíll start to control it better.

* Lowers Avoidance Behaviors ñ Many people who have mental health issues practice avoidance behaviors such as not going to places that cause them anxiety, or not doing the things they need to do due to how they feel. When you write it out, it helps you get the feelings out but do the thing anyway.

* Youíll Sleep Better ñ Pouring your heart out into a journal is a great way to get things off your chest. However, for sleep, go to the gratitude journal and write down what youíre thankful for today and go to sleep thinking of that.

* Makes You a Kinder Person ñ Exploring your own emotional state and accepting your own feelings while you work through what makes you who you are in your journal is going to make you naturally more empathetic to others too. Letting go of judgment for self improves your thoughts for others also.

* Improves Your Memory ñ This is almost a situation where you want to say “duh” but it has to be said. Writing down things helps you remember them because you can go back and read it, but also because the act of writing something down enables you to recall it.

One thing that can really help you make your journaling work is to learn how to keep one effectively. Make some journaling rules, do it every day to create a habit, and keep it private unless you decide to let your therapist see it or you decide to use it to help others. This is for you and only you for the most part.

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5 Ways Gratitude Can Turn Your Bad Situation Around

5 Ways Gratitude Can Turn Your Bad Situation Around

Gratitude has the power to get you through difficult times and turn your life around. It can motivate you to keep reaching for your goals by constantly placing what you have already accomplished right in front of you. This is why you are always told to learn to master thankfulness and nurture a grateful mindset.

Eighteen years ago, my marriage of 34 years broke down and ended in divorce. I was devastated. How could I manage on my own? How could I support myself? How could I ever be happy again? I felt so many emotions – guilt, shame, rejection, overwhelm, fear – just to name a few. How could I ever get out of this black hole? I didn’t know where to begin.

So, one day a few months later, I was meditating, a practice I have been doing daily for many, many years, when this thought popped into my mind. “There is so much to be thankful for. You have 4 amazing children, 2 beautiful granddaughters, your health, a roof over your head, a great career as a midwife, food on your table, wonderful friends, just for starters. There is a way out of this. You will try and figure it out.” I started to feel a sense of relief. “I may have lost my marriage but I still have the strength to work and rebuild a new life,” Just like that, I broke free from the chains that were holding me in the past, looked to what I wanted in the future, and started to live my life in the present, knowing this is the only moment I have complete control over. Gratitude became my new way of life, as I started to see the new doors that were opening in front of me.

One thing that enabled me to turn this bad situation around was creating an attitude of gratitude, shifting my focus from the pain of my marriage breakup to future I was free to create just for me.

Thankfulness turns your unfortunate situation around by:

  1. Shifting your focus.

   The worst thing about hard times is erasing them from your mind or finding ways of concentrating on something else. You can’t help but focus on how horrible your situation is and unintentionally think about how everything went wrong. Nonetheless, shifting your focus is possible if you maintain gratitude in trying times. Phrases like “I am still standing” “I have survived the worst” and “I still have so and so or such and such” will get you through tough times.

  1. Encouraging positive emotions.

    Gratitude gives birth to positive thoughts. Positive thinking is the key to positive emotions because what you think determines how you act, react, respond, or feel. Mastering thankfulness gives birth to positive emotions which keep you focused on “I am strong enough” and “I can fix that.” Therefore, understand that turning your situation around is possible only when you feel you can.

  1. Eliminating your fears.

   Gratefulness encourages you to concentrate on your ability to turn things around thereby eliminating your fears. Appreciating what you have accomplished and what you can still accomplish helps you notice that you have the chance to turn things around. So, use gratitude to overcome your fears.

  1. Emphasizing your strong points.

   Paying attention to what you can do when you are in a crisis is the only way of seeing things from a different perspective and changing what you don’t like. If you focus on “I am good at ABC” and “I can use this skill to effect change” you will move your life in the right direction and see the changes you are longing for.

  1. Imparting a strong sense of worth.

    One thing that makes you realize your sense of worth is having someone show you how much they value you when you are at your lowest point. To have someone do the unexpected for you reminds you that there are people out there who care about your welfare and that alone gets you going.

Appreciating that your life is not what it used to be because of something that someone did for you when you weren’t expecting or when you were not deserving fixes your mind on a thousand things to be grateful for.

Anything is possible when thankfulness becomes the center of your life. For instance, overcoming negative thoughts, controlling your emotions, getting back up, as well as turning your life around.

If you want help seeing life differently and developing an attitude of gratitude, download my FREE Gratitude Tool HERE

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Budget, Clutter, Organization

Save Money with a Minimalism Mindset

An effective way to save money with a minimalist mindset is to focus on experiences instead of material things. Of course, you don’t need to forgo all your possessions and live a life of austerity. It’s just about making mindful decisions to spend your money on experiences that will bring you lasting joy instead of things that will quickly lose their appeal.

But there are numerous ways to save money with a minimal mindset. Here are a few:

  • Start with your wardrobe — Most of us have clothes we never wear. Go through your clothes and remove anything you haven’t worn in the last year. Donate these items to a local charity.
  • Cut back on eating out — It’s easy to spend $50 or more when you go out to eat. Instead, cook at home more often. You’ll save money and likely eat healthier as well.
  • Cancel unused subscriptions — If you have magazine or newspaper subscriptions, you no longer read, cancel them. The same goes for any streaming services or memberships you’re not using.
  • Give back to your community — Volunteer your time or donate money to a worthy cause. It feels good to help others. You’ll also save money by avoiding costly nights and accumulating more material possessions.
  • Get rid of your car — This one may not be possible for everyone, but if you get rid of your vehicle, you will save on insurance, gas, and maintenance costs.
  • Use coupons and shop sales — Look for coupons and deals when you need to buy something and only shop when you’ve planned.
  • Reduce your energy consumption — This could mean turning off lights when you leave a room, turning down the heat, or investing in energy-efficient appliances.
  • Live in a smaller home — If you own a home, consider downsizing to a smaller one to reduce your mortgage or rent payments and save on energy costs.
  • Make time for the things you love — If you’re passionate about something, find ways to incorporate it into your life without spending a lot of money. For example, look for free trails near you instead of a gym membership if you love hiking.
  • Spend time with loved ones — One of the most precious things in life is time, so make sure to spend it wisely. Instead of buying them material gifts, spend time with them instead. Go on a walk, have a picnic in the park, or stay in and chat. These are the moments they’ll remember and cherish, not the things you bought them.
  • Get rid of your debt — This is an obvious way to save money. Pay it off as quickly as possible if you have high-interest debt, such as credit card debt. I got rid of my credit cards a couple of years ago. It has saved me an enormous amount of money! Now, I have to think twice about spending, as I can only spend what I already have, not my future earnings.
  • Invest in yourself — This could include taking courses to improve your career prospects or investing in a side hustle, but it can also be about experiences. For example, take a cooking class, learn a new language, or pick up a new hobby.
  • Automate your finances — Set up automatic payments for your bills and savings to let go of a bit of mental clutter and make it less likely to miss a payment or forget to save.
  • Make a budget – Review your expenses, make a budget, and stick to it. Budgets keep you on track with your spending and saving goals.
  • Save for retirement — If you don’t have a retirement savings account, start one as soon as possible. It will add up over time, even if you can only save a little each month.
  • Invest in memories, not things — Instead of buying new car or designer clothes, put that money towards a once-in-a-lifetime trip or an unforgettable experience. You’ll be much happier looking back on memories than material possessions.

By focusing on experiences instead of things, you can save money, declutter your life, and live a more fulfilling existence. So next time you’re tempted to spend money on something that will quickly lose its appeal, consider investing in an experience instead.

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Improve Your Relationships by Embracing Minimalism

Improve Your Relationships by Embracing Minimalism

Minimalism is a movement not advocating for doing without and suffering. It’s more about keeping only the things around that you really need to reduce clutter – in your mind and your environment.

Minimalism benefits relationships in many ways. Besides freeing up time to be together because neither of you is chasing more stuff, minimalism and living a decluttered life are many ways to improve your relationships.

If you are ready to take your first step to minimising your life, then click HERE to access your  FREE checklist –Embracing Minimalism for a More Organized Life

Follow it and you will start to see immediate changes in your life and relationships.

1. You’ll have more time for the people you care about.

When you’re not held down by stuff, you can focus on the things that really matter, like your relationships. Spending more time with folks you care about will help to strengthen those bonds and make them even more special. Almost nothing can replace time as a relationship builderImprove Your Relationships by Embracing Minimalism

2.You’ll be less stressed.

Money issues often cause stress. If you have less stuff, you often have fewer money issues. When you’re not constantly worrying about your property, you’ll have more energy and headspace to focus on the essential things in life. This improves your relationships because when you can focus on the relationship, stress is reduced, and you’ll be more present and available for conversations and quality time.

3. You’ll be more mindful.

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, which can be challenging to achieve when you’re bogged down by worrying about stuff. However, minimalism promotes mindfulness, as it encourages you to focus on the things most important to you – typically your relationships. Being more mindful in your relationships leads to more meaningful conversations and connections with the people in your life.

4. You’ll be more grateful.

Gratitude is another crucial aspect of mindfulness, and it’s something that can be difficult to cultivate when you’re surrounded by clutter. However, when you declutter your life and get rid of the things you don’t need, you will start to appreciate the things you do have. This includes the people in your life who are always there for you. Showing gratitude makes your relationships better and makes them even stronger.

5. You’ll be more authentic.

Many people put up walls because they’re afraid of being hurt or rejected. However, these walls can end up hurting your relationships because they’re not authentic. When you’re honest and authentic with the people in your life, you create more profound and meaningful connections with them. Minimalism allows you to be more authentic by freeing you from the things holding you back and homing in on what’s important – people, not things.

6. You’ll have more fun.

When you’re not weighed down by stuff, you’ll be able to enjoy activities and experiences with the people you love. This creates lasting memories with loved ones and deepens the bonds between you and those you care about.

Minimalism is enormously beneficial, but one of the best benefits is that it will improve your relationships. If you want to declutter your life of stuff and start fresh, consider adopting a minimalist lifestyle. You might be surprised by how much embracing a minimalistic lifestyle improves your relationships of all kinds.

If you are ready to take your first step to minimising your life, then click HERE to access your  FREE checklist –Embracing Minimalism for a More Organized Life


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Goals, Mental Health, Productivity, Teenagers

Why Being Productive Matters

Why Being Productive Matters

It is challenging to stay focused and be productive in this maximum information world where you are constantly inundated with distractions. Whether checking your phones, browsing social media, or watching television, there are always things vying for your attention. However, since you only have so much time (time is the most limited resource), it’s essential to use time wisely if your goal is productivity.

Being productive does not require continuous motion or busy work. It simply means you use your time in a way that benefits you. It may seem strange, but doing what you love is productive regardless of what the world has taught you.

It may mean working on a project, hobby, or task you’re passionate about. It may also mean taking care of necessary errands like grocery shopping or cleaning the house. It may also mean hacking away at your to-do list created based on your goals that match your principles, morals, and values. That’s the key—it’s up to you.

There are many benefits to being productive.

  • You’re more likely to see progress in your life
  • You’ll achieve your goals
  • You’ll have high self-esteem
  • You’ll feel a sense of satisfaction
  • You’ll feel pride in your life
  • You’ll experience way less stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • You’ll feel a greater sense of purpose
  • You’ll feel as if life is worth living
  • You’ll have more free time

When you take the time to focus on one task at a time, based on your well-researched plan, you’ll promptly get everything you need. Then, when you finish something, you can move on to the next thing feeling more successful.

Plus, when you have things to do that you care about, you’ll realize what a difference you make in the world. When you feel important to the world, you’re more likely to live a satisfying life and live up to your true capabilities.

There are many advantages to being productive. Productivity ensures you achieve your goals, feel good about yourself, reduce stress, and give you a sense of purpose. When you use your time wisely and focus on being productive, you’ll be able to create the life you want and live a more fulfilling existence.

When you are genuinely productive in life, you manage your time well, which gives you more control over your life and how you want to spend your time. And that is invaluable. Plus, the better you are at being productive, the better your children will be at it too. Children learn best from the adults they are closer to and tend to model that behavior, for good or ill.

Ask yourself, are you being productive with your time?

What changes can you make to make better use of your time?

How can you focus more on what’s important to you in order to achieve your goals and create a life you love?

When you take the time to focus on being productive, you’ll be amazed at all you can achieve. Understanding why being productive matters is definitely worth your time. After all, your time is one of the truly limited resources, and how you use it will make a real difference in your level of productivity. Furthermore, when your productivity improves, you’ll see proof that it matters in the results you create.

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Are You Ready to Move Forward with Your Life?

Are You Ready to Move Forward with Your Life?  

Every day of your life is a new opportunity. Whether you’re going through an upheaval, merely surviving, or you’re just bored, moving forward with your life is much more satisfying than simply “moving on.” So, if you’re ready to move forward with your life, follow these steps.

Stop Expecting Easy

You may have heard the saying, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” Unfortunately, many things in life are daunting. Self-development is one of those things. This is because there is a learning curve and there may be challenges concerning maintaining a steady progress, especially if you’re just getting started.

It’s not always easy to get to know who you are. Examine past traumas and experiences. Weed through your inner conflicts, and fight to become who you want to be. While this is not easy, it is a straightforward process that can lead you to succeed.

Stop Living in The Past

While you want to understand why you think and do certain things, avoid living in the past. Address the past by accepting that it happened. Work through your past by getting treatment for things that negatively affect your current situations. However, don’t allow yourself to live in the past because the contentment you seek is in the here and now.

When you focus on the present and learn from the past, you ensure that you’re well cared for. And when you do that, your future is almost certainly taken care of too. After all, the actions you take today informs your future. All you can get from the past is a list of actions you took that worked versus actions you took that did not. Let the rest go.

Stop Waiting for Perfection

If you’ve heard yourself described as a perfectionist, don’t take it as a compliment. It’s not. The best time to begin your next goal is now. There is no perfect outcome even if you follow your plans to a T. There is no time like now for getting started on anything you want to do.

Instead of thinking thoughts like, “I’ll be happy when I reach my weight loss goal.” Or “I’ll start my business when my child is older.” Anytime you start a thought with “I’ll do this when…” stop yourself because most of the time, there is no real reason for putting your goals off.

Stop Doubting

One way to squash doubt is to do your due diligence regarding research for all your goals. Here’s the thing, if it’s possible for someone, it’s probably also possible for you. There are very few cases where only one person can do something. You can learn anything you want to learn and do whatever you want to do or at least something close to it.

Start Planning and Doing

Once you let go of the fact that life can be hard, and the past harmed you, and perfection, and release yourself from doubt, you can start planning by learning how to set goals in a way that leaves you with an innovative action plan that gets results. Then, use that plan to start the most critical thing in your life, the doing. Doing will move you forward more than anything else.

After you let go of expectations and stop focusing on the impossible, you’ll see success. Once you create specific goals and follow your plan, you’ll finally start experiencing success. But don’t skip the very last step. You really must “do” to move forward in your life

 if you want to find out how you can start moving forward, then click HERE to book a strategy session for just $49.00!

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7 Questions To Ask When You Think You’re Procrastinating

7 Questions To Ask When You Think You’re Procrastinating


Do you sometimes find yourself making that second cup of coffee instead of taking action to get you moving towards your desired outcome? If so, you are not alone. I have done just that this morning. My intention was to get this blog written and published today. I had set myself a schedule to do this from 9-10.30am. So, what did I do at 9am? I made myself a cup of coffee, then decided to read  some emails, did some Facebook posts, chatted to a friend I finished my coffee, then decided to make a second one. I realised that I was procrastinating. Why was I doing this? I asked myself the first question below.Is writing a blog exciting enough to get me out of my comfy chair to sit at my desk, The answer was NO. So I asked myself what would make writing a blog my exciting for me. The answer that came up for me was this. “I am writing this blog to help those people who are holding themselves back from achieving their full potential, so that they can start to take action to turn their dreams into reality and make this the best, most successful and productive year of their lives.” Now, I am excited to be sitting at my desk writing this blog post starting at 10.30 with enthusiasm and gratitude.

If you struggle with procrastination, you know the detrimental effects it can have on goal achievement. But instead of beating yourself up for failing to get going, consider a different approach. Here are seven questions that will help you overcome procrastination and achieve higher levels of success.

1- Do your goals excite you?

First, ask whether your goals excite you. You may think you’re procrastinating when the problem is you’re not motivated.

There are tasks we all have to complete daily. Not all of them are thrilling. But if your goal is to finish your book by the end of the year, for example, and you find yourself struggling to get going? Consider that the problem may be that you lack passion for the project itself, not your overall drive.

To remedy this, think of other tasks in your life. Are you generally unable to get going? Or is it with just one or two things that you find dull and boring?

Perhaps you need new goals.

2- Are you healthy?

Next, ask yourself if you’ve taken care of your health. It’s much easier to find the energy to work on long-term goals when you’re eating nutritious foods, drinking enough water, and getting enough daily exercise.

On the other hand, if you’ve got too many poor habits like drinking too much alcohol, remaining sedentary, and eating poorly, your issue could be your health.

If you can improve your health and wellness routine, do so. See if that helps give you enough energy to avoid procrastination.

3- What could you get done if you quit procrastinating?

Third, it’s time to daydream for a second. Think of all the juicy details behind what you might be able to accomplish if you quit procrastinating.

Could you finally have that dream body you’ve been craving? Might you get that promotion at work? Will you, at last, start your side business?

Sometimes all you need is a gentle reminder of how good life is on the other side of effort.

4- Can you reframe it as an opportunity?

Next, you may find it useful to reframe the situation. Let’s say you dread going to the gym. Could you think of how lucky you are to have such an opportunity, instead of thinking of the negative?

How fantastic is it that you have the funds to afford a gym membership? How grateful are you that you have a healthy enough body to move around, run, lift, stretch, and sweat? Isn’t it outstanding that even if you’re busy, you can make the time to engage in self-care practices such as this?

It’s not that you “have to” go to the gym. It’s that you “get to” go to the gym.

5- Are you overcommitted?

Beyond that, consider that you may have too much on your plate. Burnout is a real thing. And if left unchecked, it can cause you to lose productivity when you’d otherwise be on top of things.

Ask yourself if you’re procrastinating or if you don’t have the time or resources you need to get everything done.

6- What’s essential and what can wait?

Along similar lines, you might want to do a brain dump of all your responsibilities. Laying it all in front of you will help you determine what’s essential and what can wait. Sometimes if you want to get going, you have to trim the fat. Much of what we pressure ourselves to complete is just busywork. Eliminate the non-essentials and see if your productivity improves.

7- What’s your reward?

Finally, make sure you have a healthy reward system in place to meet your goals. While goal-achievement is rewarding, knowing there’s an even brighter light at the end of the tunnel may prove motivating.

We spend much time bashing ourselves for mistakes and shortcomings. It’s important to celebrate our wins, too.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes procrastination can get the better of you, but things aren’t always what they seem. The next time you worry about your productivity level, ask yourself these seven questions. You may discover a quick solution to your problem.

If you need  help in changing any of these in your life right now, book  a FREE 30 minute Strategy Session HERE.

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Obstacles that Keep You from Being Present

Obstacles that Keep You from Being Present

When you want to live in the now, there are obstacles that can get in the way and stop you from being fully present.

Distractions are one of these. You can set a goal to be more present then it seems like one thing after another happens to get in the way of that goal. Sometimes these distractions can be problems at home or work. They could also be thoughts or habits that keep cropping up.

Closely linked to the problem of distractions is stress. When you’re under stress, it can be hard to keep your mind’s focus where you want it to be. That’s because your brain is busy trying to solve the current crisis.

Your body starts to react to stress in ways that aren’t conducive to living in the present. When your breathing and your body aren’t calm, it’s much harder to soothe your mind and focus your thoughts.

Too many demands on you physically can also be an obstacle to keep you from being mindful. When you reach the end of your physical strength, it can be hard to find the mental strength that you need.

If you’re not feeling well, you’re tired, or you’re under stress, your mind will have a harder time keeping the focus where it needs to be.

Any time that a physical need is present, it can be an obstacle. If you’re thirsty, your mind might want to focus on that only. If you’re hungry, your mind might not be able to focus on anything but food.

When a physical need nags at the back of your subconscious mind, you can have a lot of trouble centreing your mind on anything else. When you want to practice living in the present, you need to be sure that no physical needs are distracting you from reaching the level of awareness.

If you have a cold or other health ailment, that can be an obstacle. If you have a headache, toothache or are hurting anywhere in your body, those can make it difficult to achieve a state of focus for being present. It could be that all you can think about is how bad you’re feeling or how much pain you’re in. Any physical issues that are going on should be dealt with first.

Having a time crunch is another roadblock to mindfulness. If your life is so packed with activities and responsibilities that fitting one more thing in it seems overwhelming, you’ll have difficulty obtaining the awareness needed for living in the present.

Your own thoughts can get in the way, too. Thinking that you’re not good enough or that you can’t keep your focus is a common obstacle. Many people make the mistake of thinking that living in the present is something they can do just by wanting it.

However, it’s something that takes both effort and consistency. If you gently bring your focus back around each time you lose it, then you will eventually be able to live in the present for longer periods.

When it’s difficult is when many people give up. They want instant results and being mindful isn’t something that happens overnight. You need to work at it even when it’s not as easy as you’d like it to be.

Whatever you’re doing right now, try to stop a moment and pause. Take a breath and refocus. This is a simple way that you can calm your racing mind and body so that you can be fully present.

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How Living in the Now Leads to Inner Peace

Peace is something that many people are missing in their lives. You don’t have to live that way. When you live in the now, it can lead to inner peace. You can find the calm that you’re looking for.

Start by dialing it back. You don’t have to be everything to everyone. You don’t have to be available all the time and you don’t have to let social media rule your day. Give yourself limits to how much time you’ll give things or people that drain you.

Next, make a date with relaxation. This might mean listening to music, using visualization, or meditation. It might mean taking off for an afternoon to do nothing but just relax.

While you’re at it, don’t use a wide-angle view of your life. When you look at everything at once, it can create inner panic. This can happen with both bad things or good things.

Ask yourself how important the situation is on a scale of one to ten. Then ask yourself if what’s happening will still be important to you a year down the road. This will help you keep your perspective, no matter what happens.

Another way to find inner peace is to stop rushing. When you’re in a hurry, it affects your outlook and creates stress. Take your time as you go through your day. Be present when you eat, laugh, and love. When you stop the rush, you’ll find that inner peace blooms.

Next, beware of the things that own you. When you have too much stuff, you waste your peace trying to take care of it and you end up letting your things encroach your space. When your home or office is filled with things that nag at your mind, it creates mental chaos and steals peace. Let go of things you don’t need or want.

If you struggle to release an object, consider taking a photo of it. Then you can keep the photo but let go of the object. Remind yourself as you do this that you’re giving a second life to the object by passing it on to someone else to be loved and cared for.

The final way to keep your inner peace is to focus on a “this moment” mantra in your mind. When thoughts about what you should do in the future crop up and you get that tight feeling in your stomach, say to yourself, “I only have to deal with this moment.”

A Better, More Successful Life Can Be Yours

Living in the moment might feel difficult at first. That’s only because it’s a new thing and sometimes, new things feel scary. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, it gets easier the more you do it. If you keep trying, you’ll be putting your hands up and enjoying the ride in no time at all!

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How to become Resilient Through Mindfulness

How to Become Resilient through Mindfulness


The first way to become resilient through mindfulness is to refuse to see a problem as unending. When problems or negative situations occur in your life, don’t fall into the trap of believing that they’re going to last forever. This lets a hopeless mindset develop.


When you have problems, they can sometimes interfere with your life plans or impede your goals. However, you shouldn’t give up and quit going after what you want. If you do that, you’re effectively saying that your problems are bigger than your ability to overcome them.


Develop the mindset of “this is temporary.” List ways or action steps that you can take to overcome the situation. Next, embrace change. If there’s one guarantee in life it’s that is that no two days are the same.


You might plan to live in the city then you lose your job and the opportunity that opened up for you is on the other coast. When you embrace change, you’re open to opportunities even though they may not always appear in the way you hoped they would.


The third way to become resilient is to refuse to sit still. When you want something in life or you have a dream, don’t allow inaction to take it from you. Every day, do something that takes you closer to achieving your goal.


If your goal is to own your own business, this might be something like signing up for a business class or writing out a business plan. If you want to get healthier, it could be something simple such as getting rid of the food in your house that causes you to binge eat.


The next thing you should do is make decisions sooner rather than later. Avoidance doesn’t solve issues and it doesn’t get you where you need to be. If there’s a relationship issue, you need to handle, do it. If you’re interested in talking to someone, make a move and speak up.


While you’re making decisions, resolve to change your self-view. Many people think far less of themselves than they should. You downplay your accomplishments. You look at the negative things about yourself by thinking you’re too awkward, too big, or too small.

You don’t like the way you look, the way you voice sounds. However, by learning how to think of yourself in a positive way, you bolster not only your self-esteem but your belief that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.


Finally, negative things happen, look for the positive. There’s always something good to find about everything that happens. However, the problem is that most people focus on the negative and then miss the good. That’s not to say that everything that comes into your life will feel good but it can work out for your good.

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