Living Now, Mindfulness, Productivity, Time Management, Working Mums

The Value Of Organizing Tomorrow Today


The Value Of Organizing Tomorrow Today

If you want to maximize your effectiveness and the amount you get done each day, organize tomorrow, today. The second that you open your eyes you can already be clear and certain about what you have to do that day.

It’s much more effective than trying to plan your day on the fly!

In the evening, you’re much more objective about the next day than you are when you’re in the midst of it. It’s easy to plan a trip to the gym the day before. It’s not as easy to do so on the same day when it’s raining, and you’re just not in the mood.

The best time to plan tomorrow is today!


Follow this process:

A. What do you want to accomplish? Depending on your job, health, family, hobbies, and life in general, what you want to accomplish will vary. Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish tomorrow. Include tasks that help you to reach your goals. Your list might have activities like this:

  • Make a nutritious lunch for kids.
  • Be at the office by 7:45.
  • Give a great presentation at work at 2:00pm.
  • Eat a healthy lunch.
  • Work out for 30 minutes.
  • Practice piano for 30 minutes.
  • Speak with an employee about frequent absences.
  • Call my financial planner to schedule a meeting about my portfolio.


B. What are the best ways to accomplish those tasks? There are many ways to accomplish something. But there is only one best way. Think of your resource constraints (including time) and determine the optimal way for you to accomplish the tasks you’ve identified as most important.

  • What foods will you include in your child’s lunch?
  • What is the best route to get to work? What time do I have to get up in order to be at work by 7:45?
  • What do I need to do to be prepared for the presentation? Do I need to reserve a room? Who should be present?
  • What will I have for lunch? Will I bring it or go out to eat?
  • What type of workout will I do? Where?
  1. What are the obstacles you’re likely to face? Consider everything that might get in your way and develop a plan that will address those obstacles.  If something goes wrong, how are you going to handle itMake a plan that has the greatest possibility of avoiding the fewest obstacles as possible.
  2. When are you going to do your tasks? Decide when you’re going to do each of the items on your list. Bill Gates plans his day in 6-minute intervals. You might not have to be that precise. Find a method that works for you.
  3. Evaluate your day and try again. At the end of the day, take a look at your day and look for ways to do better. Use what you learned to improve your planning process.
    • What did you accomplish?
    • What did you fail to get done?
    • When are you going to do it?
    • What could you have done better?

Make the most important decisions about your day the night before. The day is for executing, not deciding.

Save your decision-making time for the evening when you can be more objective and thoughtful.

Put your nose to the grindstone during the day and get things accomplished. Living life by the seat of your pants might be exciting, but it’s not the most productive way to live. Make a good plan and then follow it to the best of your ability. The quality of your life will soar.



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Journaling, Mindfulness, Personal Development

How to Make Your Journaling More Effective

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Any type of journal that you keep can be beneficial. It doesnít matter if itís just to document your life or to work through problems – you can use a journal to do it all. From tracking your projects to documenting vacation to overcoming anxiety, a journal will work for you if you pick the right type and make journaling a ritual.

* Find the Right Medium for You ñ For some people, thatís pen and paper. Many experts claim thatís the best way because of its simplicity. However, you have to do what works for you, and what works for you is what you will do daily. If you make it too hard, you wonít do it.

* Turn Journaling Daily into a Habit ñ To be most effective, journaling has to go on for a long time. Itís a long-term strategy to How to Make Your Journaling More Effective

Any type of journal that you keep can be beneficial. It doesnít matter if itís just to document your life or to work through problems – you can use a journal to do it all. From tracking your projects to documenting vacation to overcoming anxiety, a journal will work for you if you pick the right type and make journaling a ritual.

* Find the Right Medium for You ñ For some people, thatís pen and paper. Many experts claim thatís the best way because of its simplicity. However, you have to do what works for you, and what works for you is what you will do daily. If you make it too hard, you wonít do it.

* Turn Journaling Daily into a Habit ñ To be most effective, journaling has to go on for a long time. Itís a long-term strategy to improve your life and not something that is going to have any effect overnight. For this reason, ritualize your journaling so that it becomes a daily habit.

* Set Up a Comfy Journaling Spot ñ Find a good space you can journal in each day, one which is relaxing and without stress. Some people like to keep their journal by their bedside so that each night when they get into bed, they can quickly write in their journals.

* Choose the Right Style of Journal for Your Needs ñ The type of journal you want to keep depends on how you plan to use it. You may want to track a project, in which case youíll need a project journal. If you want to simply document your life, youíd want a classic journal.

* Use Your Journal to Work Through Life and Reach Goals ñ Donít just write in the journal; actively seek to improve something in your life – whether itís the thoughts which drive your feelings or improving your actions so that you experience more success.

* Consider Using More Than Writing to Document Your Life ñ You donít need to just use text. You can use images, pictures, tickets, and other memories inside your journal too. Sometimes a few pictures and mementos mean more than anything you can write to help you remember.

* Read and Reflect Occasionally ñ Take at least a few minutes to re-read parts of your journal. Once youíve kept it for a year, itís fun to go back and read the same day from last year to find out whatís different now and whatís the same and why.

* Keep Your Journal Secure ñ You donít want to worry about anyone getting into your private business when youíre not around, so keep it hidden. If itís on your computer, keep it password protected.

If you know why you want to journal, itíll be easier to figure out which type of journal you need to keep to make your journaling more effective. Sometimes you just want to document your life, while other times you want to work through something difficult. It really depends on your goals and the point of the journal.


improve your life and not something that is going to have any effect overnight. For this reason, ritualize your journaling so that it becomes a daily habit.

* Set Up a Comfy Journaling Spot ñ Find a good space you can journal in each day, one which is relaxing and without stress. Some people like to keep their journal by their bedside so that each night when they get into bed, they can quickly write in their journals.

* Choose the Right Style of Journal for Your Needs ñ The type of journal you want to keep depends on how you plan to use it. You may want to track a project, in which case youíll need a project journal. If you want to simply document your life, youíd want a classic journal.

* Use Your Journal to Work Through Life and Reach Goals ñ Donít just write in the journal; actively seek to improve something in your life – whether itís the thoughts which drive your feelings or improving your actions so that you experience more success.

* Consider Using More Than Writing to Document Your Life ñ You donít need to just use text. You can use images, pictures, tickets, and other memories inside your journal too. Sometimes a few pictures and mementos mean more than anything you can write to help you remember.

* Read and Reflect Occasionally ñ Take at least a few minutes to re-read parts of your journal. Once youíve kept it for a year, itís fun to go back and read the same day from last year to find out whatís different now and whatís the same and why.

* Keep Your Journal Secure ñ You donít want to worry about anyone getting into your private business when youíre not around, so keep it hidden. If itís on your computer, keep it password protected.

If you know why you want to journal, itíll be easier to figure out which type of journal you need to keep to make your journaling more effective. Sometimes you just want to document your life, while other times you want to work through something difficult. It really depends on your goals and the point of the journal.


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Journaling, Living Now, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development

How Journaling Can Help with Achieving Your Goals

Journaling can help you achieve your goals because it will force you to think about them, consider the why and how, and delve deeper into the situation so that you can examine all sides of it. Read on to find out how journaling can help.

* It Forces You to Write Down Your Goals ñ When you start a journal, it basically is a way to force yourself to document your goals. Whether you write them down on paper or you use technology to get it all down doesnít matter. Once theyíre written, they are ready to tackle.

* It Makes You Consider Why and How ñ As you enter data into your journal, youíll be forced to face the why and how of your goal. This is especially true if you write down a goal and focus on it in your journal. 

* It Enables You to Examine the Opportunities and Threats ñ When you are focused on goal making with your journal, youíll also explore opportunities and threats coming your way due to your goals. It helps you avoid roadblocks in advance. 

* It Makes You Develop Steps for Success Based on Your Goals ñ When you see it written down, youíll want to notice and pull out any steps youíve developed in your journal and put them in your calendar for scheduling. 

* It Helps You Improve Goal Setting and Achievement ñ Each time you intentionally set goals, define steps to achieve the goals, and perform them, you are setting yourself up for being able to improve your skills. 

* It Provides Accountability ñ Even if no one else is reading your journal, a private journal can help you become accountable to yourself. If you develop the habit of looking at your journal each day and put something else in there each day, itíll work great for helping you become more accountable. 

* It Provides a Permanent Record ñ Having a permanent record of the things youíve done in your life, whether itís personal or work, is a beautiful thing. Hardly anyone has a perfect memory, so youíll maintain the lessons learned better with the record to look back at.

* It May Be Inspirational ñ Depending on the journal, you might even be able to take the information inside and compile it into a real book for others to read to inspire them. You might also take from it steps for your success for a project and turn it into a course to inspire someone else.

Journaling is an excellent way to work toward achieving all your goals. It will even help you make better goals because the process of entering facts in your journal will cause you to see them in a more logical way that is more useful.

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Abundance, Living Now, Mindfulness

3 Tips to Start Your Day

Deciding The Best Way for You to Start Your Day Positively

You have decided to start your days with morning gratitude and/or positive thinking. That is great. Now you have to decide how to do it. You have nearly endless options to choose from. Here are some tips for deciding what to choose.

1. It Works For You

Not every option works for everyone. That is normal and to be expected. Everyone is different, after all. Try a few of the options and see what works for you. If something does not seem to work for you, do not feel bad, and definitely do not try to force yourself to keep doing it.

There are many options out there and you will find something that resonates with your soul if you keep looking. Do not settle on the first thing you try unless it grabs you and refuses to let go. Try different options. Experiment.

2. You Can Do It Consistently

Consider your schedule when weighing options. Some methods take more commitment than others, even if that is only a few minutes longer. How much time do you have in the morning? Not just some mornings, either, but every morning.

If you only have a few minutes most days, making a gratitude list in your head is probably a better idea than trying to fit in 30 (or even 10) minutes of yoga. That is not to say that you cannot do more than one thing. Perhaps you can do your gratitude lists every morning and do yoga as well on the weekends.

Remember that whatever you choose must be something you can do each and every day, or at least on 90 percent of them. Life does happen, after all.

3. You Like It (So You Will Do It)

Do you know the number one reason people fail at starting a gym routine? It is not a lack of time or commitment. It is simply that they do not like what they are doing. Humans are strange creatures who are not likely to continue doing something they do not like, at least not unless they have an overwhelmingly good reason to do so.

The same thing applies to trying to create other new habits too. If you do not like something, you probably will not keep it up. Likewise, it is hard to stop bad habits because on some level you like them, and your brain goes – Quit? Why?

This is slightly different than the first tip (something must work for you) because they are two different things. Ninety minutes a day on a treadmill will work to make anyone fit, but few people like that enough to do it!

I find a Gratitude morning ritual is very simple, quick and easy. As soon as I wake up, I take about 3 minutes to ponder on 3 things I have to be grateful for today. This morning it was another day on this earth, my physical health and my 4 amazing children, who are also my four best friends. It’s a wonderful way to start each day.

If you need help developing a morning ritual to start your day with Gratitude, download my FREE “I am Grateful for….” Worksheet .


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Clutter, Mental Health, Productivity

How Clutter Impacts Your Mental Health

How Clutter Impacts Your Mental Health

Whether it’s a messy desk, a crammed closet, or a pile of unopened mail, clutter makes people feel stressed, anxious, and even depressed.

But did you know that clutter can also seriously impact your mental health?

A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that rats exposed to cluttered environments were likelier to be anxious and stressed than rats who lived in clean, organized spaces.

And it’s not just rats. A growing body of research suggests that clutter can harm our mental health, productivity, and relationships.

How clutter can impact your mental health:

Clutter can cause stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you’re constantly surrounded by piles of clothes, papers, or other belongings, it can seem like you will never get it all under control. For some people, clutter can be a trigger for anxiety and depression.

If you’re already struggling with mental health issues, the last thing you need is to be surrounded by reminders of your chaotic life. This can lead to anxiety and stress, impacting your mood, sleep, and overall well-being.

Clutter can lead to feelings of shame and guilt.

If you like holding on to stuff “just in case” or because you feel guilty about getting rid of them, then clutter can make you feel even more shame and guilt. These negative emotions can further add to stress and anxiety and may lead to procrastination.

Clutter interferes with focus and productivity.

If your environment is chaotic, it can be challenging to focus on anything else. Unfortunately, this can make it hard to be productive or accomplish essential tasks. That’s because all that visual clutter can distract and make concentrating difficult.

Clutter can make it difficult to relax.

When your home is full of clutter, finding a place to relax can be hard. This can lead to feelings of frustration and irritability. All that mess can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Clutter can impact your sleep.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, clutter could be to blame. A cluttered environment makes it hard to relax and wind down so you can sleep soundly.

Clutter can cause physical health problems.

If you’re constantly tripping over things or moving things around to find what you need, it can lead to physical health problems like back pain or muscle strain. Did you know most older adults who fall usually trip over something at home? It can happen to anyone, so organize and clean up to prevent accidents.


If you felt shame and embarrassed about the clutter, it makes it difficult to entertain guests. This leads to social isolation and feelings of loneliness. Plus, if you’re constantly arguing with your spouse or partner about the state of your home, clutter likely is to blame. All that tension can take a toll on your relationships, including friends you never want to come over.

Finally, if your environment is full of clutter, it can feel like your life is out of control. This can impact your self-esteem and leave you feeling overwhelmed. What’s more, if you have young children, clutter can make it difficult for them to focus and behave. A messy home can also be dangerous for young kids, who are at risk for injury if they stumble upon something sharp or poisonous.

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Health, Mental Health, Productivity

9 Foods That Help You Concentrate

9 Foods That Help You Concentrate

One way to help yourself focus better is to look at your diet. There are certain foods that can help improve your cognitive function. Add these amazing superfoods to your diet to help improve your concentration levels.

Whole grains

Whole grains are packed with nutrients that improve cognitive function. They contain complex carbohydrates, which provide energy to the brain, and vitamins and minerals essential for healthy brain function. Make sure to include whole grains in your diet by eating whole grain bread, oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a fabulous source of brain nutrients. They’re rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, folate, and antioxidants – all essential for healthy brain function. Include leafy greens in your diet by eating them as a side dish or adding them to salads and smoothies.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Healthy brain function must have plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they help to regulate mood and reduce inflammation. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and herring are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements also ensure you get enough omega-3s each day if you can’t get it in your diet for some reason.


Stimulants like caffeine improve focus and concentration in some people. Coffee, tea, and even energy drinks are sources of caffeine. Ensure you limit caffeine intake to avoid side effects like jitteriness and anxiety.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is both delicious and good for you in moderation. Cocoa flavanols are antioxidants that have been shown to improve cognitive function. Choose dark chocolate low in sugar and has a high cocoa content for the most benefits. To get the most benefit from eating dark chocolate, eat it in moderation as it is also high in calories and fat.


Bananas offer a source of potassium and vitamin B6, both of which are essential for healthy brain function, in their own little package. In addition, bananas provide energy to the brain due to their high concentration of dietary fiber, sucrose, and fructose. Eat bananas as a snack or add them to smoothies and yogurt.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the brain from damage. In addition, blueberries are a good quality source of vitamins C, K, and manganese, which are great as a snack or add to yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal.


Avocados, packed with vitamins E, K, and folate, are also a good source of healthy fats essential for brain function. Add avocados to salads, sandwiches, or wraps.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds provide healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Some good choices are almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds. Nuts and seeds are yummy as a snack by the handful or add them to your food.

Increasing your concentration and focus can be helpful in all areas of life. So whether you’re trying to improve your grades in school, be more productive at work, or write the next best seller, these are all foods that can help you concentrate better.

Set aside 15-30 minutes each week to plan your menu for the week including these nutritious foods to help you concentrate. If you want help doing this, download my FREE Meal Planner HERE.

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Living Now, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Productivity, Time Management, Working Mums

Benefits of Having a Balanced Schedule

Benefits of Having a Balanced Schedule

If you want to get more done in life without feeling too busy and burning out, it’s imperative that you create a balanced schedule. A balanced schedule has enormous benefits for your life when you make sure to account for what you need and want to do in every area of your life.

When you have a balanced schedule, you:

  • Feel less stressed because you’re not overwhelmed by a packed schedule
  • More free time to enjoy life apart from work and responsibilities
  • Are able to focus better on the task at hand when you have regular breaks
  • Avoid burnout from working too much or taking on too much at once
  • Get more done because you’re efficient with your time

A balanced schedule is the key to a happy, productive life. If you currently feel overwhelmed, stressed, and like you can’t keep up, it’s time to take a step back and assess your schedule. See what can be cut out or spread out more evenly. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you have a handle on your time.

Creating a balanced schedule means looking at all the areas of your life and ensuring there’s enough time for everything important to you. This includes work, family, friends, hobbies, and taking care of yourself. If one area takes up too much of your time, something else is likely suffering.

For example, if you’re working long hours, you may not have enough time for your family or friends. Or, if you’re spending all your free time on hobbies, you may neglect your work or other obligations. Therefore, finding a good balance between all the areas of your life is essential.

One way to do this is to create a weekly schedule where you block out time for each area of your life. This can help you see where you may need to make some adjustments. For instance, if you realize you’re working too much, you can cut back on your hours or take on less work. Or, if you’re not spending enough time with your family or friends, you can make an effort to schedule more social activities.

Like your boss, friend, and neighbor, you only have 24 hours a day, so be realistic regarding how much time you can devote to each area of your life. Also, keep in mind that your schedule may need to change from week to week, depending on what’s going on in your life. So schedule the most critical aspects of your life, like work and family, and then fill in the rest of your time with other activities.

A balanced schedule is essential for a happy, productive life. When you are mindful about what you really need to live a satisfying life, pay close attention to needs in all areas of your life and ensure there’s enough time for everything important to you, you can avoid stress, burnout, and feeling overwhelmed. So, take a look at your schedule and make the necessary adjustments to create a more balanced life.

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Abundance, Living Now, Mindfulness, Personal Development

Are You Ready to Move Forward with Your Life?

Are You Ready to Move Forward with Your Life?  

Every day of your life is a new opportunity. Whether you’re going through an upheaval, merely surviving, or you’re just bored, moving forward with your life is much more satisfying than simply “moving on.” So, if you’re ready to move forward with your life, follow these steps.

Stop Expecting Easy

You may have heard the saying, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” Unfortunately, many things in life are daunting. Self-development is one of those things. This is because there is a learning curve and there may be challenges concerning maintaining a steady progress, especially if you’re just getting started.

It’s not always easy to get to know who you are. Examine past traumas and experiences. Weed through your inner conflicts, and fight to become who you want to be. While this is not easy, it is a straightforward process that can lead you to succeed.

Stop Living in The Past

While you want to understand why you think and do certain things, avoid living in the past. Address the past by accepting that it happened. Work through your past by getting treatment for things that negatively affect your current situations. However, don’t allow yourself to live in the past because the contentment you seek is in the here and now.

When you focus on the present and learn from the past, you ensure that you’re well cared for. And when you do that, your future is almost certainly taken care of too. After all, the actions you take today informs your future. All you can get from the past is a list of actions you took that worked versus actions you took that did not. Let the rest go.

Stop Waiting for Perfection

If you’ve heard yourself described as a perfectionist, don’t take it as a compliment. It’s not. The best time to begin your next goal is now. There is no perfect outcome even if you follow your plans to a T. There is no time like now for getting started on anything you want to do.

Instead of thinking thoughts like, “I’ll be happy when I reach my weight loss goal.” Or “I’ll start my business when my child is older.” Anytime you start a thought with “I’ll do this when…” stop yourself because most of the time, there is no real reason for putting your goals off.

Stop Doubting

One way to squash doubt is to do your due diligence regarding research for all your goals. Here’s the thing, if it’s possible for someone, it’s probably also possible for you. There are very few cases where only one person can do something. You can learn anything you want to learn and do whatever you want to do or at least something close to it.

Start Planning and Doing

Once you let go of the fact that life can be hard, and the past harmed you, and perfection, and release yourself from doubt, you can start planning by learning how to set goals in a way that leaves you with an innovative action plan that gets results. Then, use that plan to start the most critical thing in your life, the doing. Doing will move you forward more than anything else.

After you let go of expectations and stop focusing on the impossible, you’ll see success. Once you create specific goals and follow your plan, you’ll finally start experiencing success. But don’t skip the very last step. You really must “do” to move forward in your life

 if you want to find out how you can start moving forward, then click HERE to book a strategy session for just $49.00!

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Your Personal Development Plan
Abundance, Living Now, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Productivity, Time Management, Working Mums

Five Reasons You Need a Personal Development Plan

A personal development plan is like a roadmap. It assists you in finding your purpose and developing your strengths. It also gives you the confidence needed to get out of your comfort zone. A good personal development plan will also help you improve your self-awareness. This combination will ensure that you know your potential and live up to it with intention.

Discover Your Purpose

On the road to self-discovery, most people want to know why they are here. If you want to know your purpose in life, focus on your personal development and create a written personal development plan to help you find it.

As you discover what makes you think the way you do, challenge your thoughts, and decide what facts you’ll use to make sound decisions. When you do this, you may come across additional information that will lead you to closer to your purpose. You are more likely to feel good about the ideas you have and actions you take each day because you know they will have a particular impact.

Develop Your Strengths

Once you discover your strengths as you study yourself and pay close attention to how you feel about your actions, you’ll know what to develop. Focusing on what you are already good at is always preferable to focus on where you are lacking.

Getting additional training, practicing, and learning from others regarding the things you’re already good at doing is a much more pleasurable and successful way to approach your life. You’re naturally good at something that gives you joy and makes you better. So, you may as well use your natural gifts.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

While you do want to focus on what you are already good at doing, sometimes it takes time to see what that is. Getting out of your comfort zone has nothing to do with forcing yourself to focus on things you aren’t good at doing. Instead, it may mean simply showing someone else what you’re good at.

Boost Your Confidence

As you develop yourself, you’ll start experiencing success, and that experience will boost your confidence exponentially. Part of personal development is focusing on learning to have a positive mindset, taking the best care of yourself, and reveling in your skills and experience. When your confidence is strong, you’ll free yourself from paralyzing self-doubt and negative thoughts and emotions. You can’t help but become strong when you craft and follow a plan based on self-discovery and your goals.

Improve Your Self-Awareness

Since personal development is all about you, getting to know who you are is especially important. Knowing who you are will allow you to know and lead with your strengths so that you can cope with your weaknesses, realistically and kindly, without lying to yourself or others about who you are. Self-awareness is the ultimate precursor to authenticity.

You also need a personal development plan because you’re much more likely to succeed at anything when you have a plan. A personal development plan is a documented set of facts and information to help guide and direct you through the actions and habits that make up your life. For example, if you want to succeed at any dream, it starts with a goal. Then, through smart goal setting, your goals become a plan that you can follow, track, and even change throughout your life while remaining focused on your ultimate dreams and goals.

As the are now in our second quarter of the year, if you want to find out how a personal development plan can help you live a happier life, then click HERE to book a strategy session for just $49.00!

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Living Now, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Working Mums

Live a Happier Life

How to Shift Your Perspective to Live a Happier Life

Drama, stress, and other challenging obstacles or situations will always be a natural part of your life. It is highly unlikely you can avoid them altogether, but you can control how they affect or take over your life.

A change in perspective can be a driving force in allowing you to live an easier and happier life. Of course, this is easier to talk about than to really do, but with a few simple ideas and actions, you can make a change for the better that sustains your lifelong happiness and success.

The following are some common techniques to help shift your perspective to ultimately live a happier life:

 Only Focus on What You Can Control

The notion of what you can and cannot control is by far the most important concept to understand and live by. Other people’s actions, thoughts, and opinions will never be something you can fully gain control of. You might be able to guide and influence them for a little, but this won’t be sustainable or achievable in all aspects of life. However, you do have the ability to control your attitude, efforts, and emotions.

 Switch Dread Around

Instead of focusing on the negativity or harmful aspects of the situation, find ways to reverse it. Instead of dreading it, find areas you can appreciate or learn from. Highlight the lesson or knowledge you gained.

For example, maybe you failed the live presentation you worked hard on for months. While it’s okay and normal to feel disappointed, don’t allow those feelings to take over your life completely. Instead, acknowledge the areas that went wrong and use that newfound information to do even better the next time.

Ditch The “All or Nothing” Mindset 

Stop expecting the worst or creating expectations that are too high for yourself. Even if you don’t achieve every single step, you will become discouraged if you only focus on the things you can’t or won’t have versus all the things you do have, worked hard to get, and eventually will get in the future.

 It’s important to note that happiness is personal and something that must be found within. You must work towards it and actively seek or make changes when needed to achieve it. Get out and experiment more, be true to yourself, and always try to stay positive by acknowledging reality and where you fit into it.

As the first quarter of the year is almost over, if you want to find out how you can live a happier life for the next quarter, then click HERE to book a strategy session for just $49.00!

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