Abundance, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Working Mums

How Gratitude Can Change Your Perspective

How Gratitude Can Change Your Perspective

They say the love of money is the root of all evil. We are not here to pass judgment on that inanimate object, but the idiom does point out the danger of obsessing over what you don’t have. Often, people who love money never believe they have enough, so they never enjoy the fulfillment of their passion.

Focusing on what’s missing does not recognize one important fact: Your mindset is a choice, not a destination.

You can choose to be grateful for what you have right now. The choice takes a millisecond. You are free to choose gratitude for the goodness in your life rather than frustration over what you don’t have. By the way, science tells us that choice can do you a world of good.

The Many Benefits of Gratitude

Would you like to lower your blood pressure? Gratitude has been proven to do exactly that. Express gratitude regularly, and you will enjoy more positive emotions. A gratitude practice has been linked to reduced chronic pain symptoms, better sleep, and better overall wellness in mind and body.

Those are some pretty nice rewards for simply taking the time to say, “Thank you.”

By the way, those benefits are yours whether you are thankful for something you have done or someone else has done for you. You get the same rewards if you are sincerely grateful for a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Taking time to appreciate the goodness in some far-flung part of the world will make you happier and healthier.

Your Mindset Creates Your Reality

Do you know someone who is usually negative? They can’t find a good thing in the world or their life. They can have an experience you would be grateful for, but all they take away from the situation is negativity.

You probably know someone who is the exact opposite of that person. They are always happy and upbeat. Their positive outlook doesn’t prevent them from experiencing difficulties and overcoming challenges, but it allows them to make the best of a bad situation.

In each of these cases, mindset creates reality. Most of the time, you will see what you expect to see. Express gratitude, and you foster a mindset of positivity. Guess what you begin to see everywhere? You see goodness and positive people and experiences.

The person who obsesses over what they don’t have will continue to experience lack. They don’t have the time to be thankful for the gifts in their life. They constantly try to achieve or possess something they don’t currently have. With that mindset, they are constantly frustrated and possibly even angry because they don’t have what they want.

Planning for the future and working to achieve your goals is okay fine and necessary.. That gives you purpose. Just be sure to appreciate what you have. Gratitude for your life as it is now fosters positive emotions and has an almost magical way of attracting more goodness.

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5 Benefits to Starting Your Day with Gratitude

Why Start Your Day With Gratitude and Positive Thinking?

Did you know that starting your day with positivity is one of the best things you can do to improve your life? It has an immediate, powerful impact on your life. The benefits are numerous, and you start experiencing them from the first day you deliberately begin your day being positive and grateful.

These are the top five benefits you gain from a positive start to your day.

Better Mood

Starting your day with positivity increases your mood and helps you have a better day. Being positive brings you inner peace, lowers your stress levels, increases your optimism, and makes you feel good. All of these benefits combine to put you in a better mood.

Taking time out to inject positivity and gratitude into your day improves your mood at all times of the day but it is especially effective first thing in the morning.

Increased Health

Positive people are healthier than their peers. This is partly due to the lower stress levels experienced by those who practice positivity, but there is more to it than that and scientists are still working to understand it. Positive people are healthier on every level and tend to live longer as well!

Starting your day with gratitude and positive thinking sets the tone for your entire day and will lead you to be more positive throughout everything in life.

More Success

Being positive and grateful first thing in the morning helps clear your mind and allows you to focus more on your tasks for the day. This leads directly to having more success every day and over the long term. Positive people, as a whole, are much more successful than others. This is true in every aspect of life, from careers to relationships.


Not only does starting your day with gratitude and positive thinking increase your mood, but it makes you happier. It boosts all of the “feel-good” hormones in the brain that make you happy. This isn’t a transitory effect, either; it lasts all day and over the long term increases your overall, permanent level of happiness.

Improved Relationships

When you start your day with positivity, you clear your brain and are in a much better space to relate to the people you care about most. This makes it easier to maintain healthy, caring relationships. This improvement starts almost immediately and lasts over the long run.

These are just a few of the benefits you can get from deliberately beginning each day with gratitude and positive thinking. You will experience many more if you make it a habit!



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Organize Your Finances

Organizing Your Finances for More Efficiency

Organizing your personal finances can help increase your efficiency. Being organized lets you stay on track with your budget, make smart financial decisions, and reach your financial goals.

Click here to get your FREE Tip Sheet – 9 Hacks to an Organised Life.

Being organized for efficiency financially means:

 Having a budget to track your income and expenses

  • Automating your finances by setting up automatic bill payments and savings transfers
  • Keeping your financial records organized so it’s simple to track your progress
  • Working with a financial planner to get professional advice on managing your money

The first step in personal finance is to find out where you stand financially, which will require some level of organization. You must know your income, expenses, debts, and assets. Start by getting organized so that on any given day at any given time, you can easily see where you stand financially without any stress.

Keep track of your spending — Knowing where your money is going is the first step to being more organized. Keep a budget or use a tracking app to help you get an idea of where your money goes each month. Personally, I find using Spending Tracker a very handy way to do this on a daily basis.

Make a budget — Once you know where your money is going, you can make a budget to ensure you’re spending within your means. Don’t forget to include savings so you will reach your future financial goals.

Set up a system Whether it’s a physical system like folders and a budget binder, or a digital system like Mint or Personal Capital, find a way to track your finances that works for you.

Automate your finances — Automating your finances can help you stay on top of your bills and save money. Set up automatic bill payments and consider using a service like Digit or Acorns to save money automatically. I do this using my mobile bank app as I like to keep everything in the one place if I can.

Keep your receipts — Receipts can help track spending and budgeting purposes. Keep them organized in a system that works for you – use either a physical folder or a digital app.

Stay on top of your credit — Checking your credit report regularly is an excellent way to catch errors and keep track of your credit score. Clear Score sends me weekly updates and notifies me of any changes. It’s a free service.

Review your bank statements — Reviewing your bank statements can help you catch errors and fraudulent charges and keep track of your spending. Doing this on a daily basis really paid off for me recently, as I picked up fraudulent activity on one of my accounts within hours, and my bank was able to stop it immediately.

Invest in a good financial planner — A good financial planner can help you organize your finances, set goals, and make a plan to reach those goals. If you earn enough money to save money, this will be a worthwhile investment to get more organized.

Get organized — Getting your finances organized can help you save money, reduce stress, and make better financial decisions. Use the tips above to help you get started.

Personal finance includes planning for future financial security for you and your family. Organizing your finances efficiently requires creating a system for managing your money that is streamlined and easy to use. This might include setting up a budget, tracking your spending, and creating a system for paying your bills. An efficient system in place will help you save time and money.

Click here to get your FREE Tip Sheet – 9 Hacks to an Organised Life.

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Why Being Productive Matters

Why Being Productive Matters

It is challenging to stay focused and be productive in this maximum information world where you are constantly inundated with distractions. Whether checking your phones, browsing social media, or watching television, there are always things vying for your attention. However, since you only have so much time (time is the most limited resource), it’s essential to use time wisely if your goal is productivity.

Being productive does not require continuous motion or busy work. It simply means you use your time in a way that benefits you. It may seem strange, but doing what you love is productive regardless of what the world has taught you.

It may mean working on a project, hobby, or task you’re passionate about. It may also mean taking care of necessary errands like grocery shopping or cleaning the house. It may also mean hacking away at your to-do list created based on your goals that match your principles, morals, and values. That’s the key—it’s up to you.

There are many benefits to being productive.

  • You’re more likely to see progress in your life
  • You’ll achieve your goals
  • You’ll have high self-esteem
  • You’ll feel a sense of satisfaction
  • You’ll feel pride in your life
  • You’ll experience way less stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • You’ll feel a greater sense of purpose
  • You’ll feel as if life is worth living
  • You’ll have more free time

When you take the time to focus on one task at a time, based on your well-researched plan, you’ll promptly get everything you need. Then, when you finish something, you can move on to the next thing feeling more successful.

Plus, when you have things to do that you care about, you’ll realize what a difference you make in the world. When you feel important to the world, you’re more likely to live a satisfying life and live up to your true capabilities.

There are many advantages to being productive. Productivity ensures you achieve your goals, feel good about yourself, reduce stress, and give you a sense of purpose. When you use your time wisely and focus on being productive, you’ll be able to create the life you want and live a more fulfilling existence.

When you are genuinely productive in life, you manage your time well, which gives you more control over your life and how you want to spend your time. And that is invaluable. Plus, the better you are at being productive, the better your children will be at it too. Children learn best from the adults they are closer to and tend to model that behavior, for good or ill.

Ask yourself, are you being productive with your time?

What changes can you make to make better use of your time?

How can you focus more on what’s important to you in order to achieve your goals and create a life you love?

When you take the time to focus on being productive, you’ll be amazed at all you can achieve. Understanding why being productive matters is definitely worth your time. After all, your time is one of the truly limited resources, and how you use it will make a real difference in your level of productivity. Furthermore, when your productivity improves, you’ll see proof that it matters in the results you create.

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Is Your Child Unproductive

Is Your Child Unproductive?

Watching your child struggle is the worst feeling. Of course, you want them to succeed in everything they do, but sometimes it seems like they can’t get ahead. If you realize your child is having trouble completing tasks, is easily distracted, or doesn’t seem to know how to prioritize, it may be time to talk to them about productivity.

These signs offer signals that your child is unproductive, and if left unchecked, your child may start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. With guidance, your child will learn to be more productive and accomplish their goals.

Pay attention if your child has these issues:

  • Trouble Completing Tasks in a Reasonable Time Fram
  • Easily Distracted and Have Issues Focusing
  • Lack of Goalsetting skills, and They Don’t Know How to Prioritize
  • Don’t Start What They Plan and Don’t Finish What They Start
  • Have Unrealistic Expectations and Suffer from Perfectionism
  • Allow Others to Pressure Them
  • Act Out Emotionally

Helping your child with goalsetting will give them something to work towards and provide a sense of accomplishment when they reach their goals. You can also help them create a plan to achieve those goals. This may involve breaking down tasks into smaller steps or teaching them how to prioritize their time better.

Encourage your child to take small, reasonable steps daily to achieve their goals. With a little effort and support from you when they need it, your child will learn to be more productive and may even surprise themselves with what they can accomplish.

Help them learn how important it is to protect their time, so they avoid overscheduling – a leading cause of overwhelm in the unproductive child. An over-scheduled child is always busy, but everything is just too much, so nothing ever gets done. When nothing gets done, the pressure will overwhelm them because kids typically care a lot about what others think and allow that to pressure them more than they may realize. Children thrive with reasonable schedules more than they do with a lot of clutter and disorganization about how they’ll spend their time.

When you help them get stuff done and mark it off their list, they will learn how it feels to be genuinely productive. In addition, as a parent, you can instill a sense of pride in their success by making it a point to celebrate accomplishments. Too often, children are not given enough credit for their achievements and think their parents are just being nice when they praise them. Instead, children need to understand that their parents are proud of their accomplishments and that they have worked hard to achieve them.

When you help your child learn what true productivity feels like and that it does not require continuously being busy all the time, they will be more likely to enjoy getting stuff done in record time so they can enjoy their downtime more. After all, everyone deserves to have a good life that doesn’t just involve things that are work.

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Unproductive Habits to Break

Common Unproductive Habits to Break

Teenagers can fall into many unproductive habits, which can prevent them from reaching their full potential. Some of the most common unproductive habits include:

Phone Habits

It’s easy to get lost in your phone and waste hours scrolling through social media or playing games. To break this habit, try setting a limit on how much time can be spent on the phone each day. Once the limit is hit, put the phone away and focus on something else. They can also leave the phone in another room when they need to focus on a particular task.


If your teen’s bedroom is a mess and their backpack is overflowing with papers, staying organized and on top of schoolwork will be nearly impossible. Encourage them to take some time to declutter their space and create a system that works for them to help them feel more in control and less stressed.

Binge Watching Shows

It’s easy to get sucked into a good TV show and watch episode after episode. You know this. But this it’s also a huge time waster. If your teen likes to binge watch, try setting a limit of one or two episodes per day or assign certain times that binging is allowed, like during inclement weather or when sick.


Procrastination is one of the most common unproductive habits and can be very damaging to a teenager’s success. When teenagers procrastinate, they put off essential tasks, often leading to poor grades, missed deadlines, and overwhelm. It will help to find the underlying reason for procrastination.

Social Media Addiction

Social media connects teenagers with friends and family, but it’s a significant waste of time for the most part. Teenagers easily get sucked into scrolling through their newsfeeds or posting updates when they should focus on schoolwork or other essential tasks. On the other hand, it can help to show how you limit yourself so your kids know a successful way to deal with this issue.

Poor Sleep Habits

Many teenagers don’t get enough sleep which can lead to them being tired and unproductive during the day. Teenagers need at least 8 to 12 hours of sleep each night to function at their best. The problem is that often teenagers are so overscheduled it makes it hard to accomplish this. Consider helping them avoid overscheduling.

Poor Diet

Eating unhealthy foods will make teenagers feel sluggish and uninterested in being productive. A healthy diet is vital for both physical and mental wellbeing. Again, this is another area where you are the model for the behavior you’d like your child to emulate.

Lack of Exercise

Exercise releases extra energy and improves focus. However, many teenagers lead sedentary lifestyles and don’t get enough exercise which can make them feel tired and uninterested in being active. Create family routines that encourage after-dinner walks and physical activity.

Breaking unproductive habits can be difficult, but teenagers need to focus on their goals and lead more productive lives to live the abundant life they are meant to live.

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11 Causes of Unproductivity in Teens

11 Causes of Unproductivity in Teens

There are many potential reasons teenagers may experience problems with productivity throughout the years. For example, hormonal changes during puberty sometimes lead to mood swings and even disorganization. The teenage years also sometimes mark a period of social upheaval as teens try to find their place in the world leading to distractions and a general sense of aimlessness.

There are many reasons teens may be unproductive. However, here are some to look out for.

  1. Lack of Sleep — Teens need around 8-10 hours of sleep every night, but many don’t get nearly that much. This can lead to fatigue and make it hard to focus or be productive during the day.
  2. Poor Nutrition — Eating a healthy diet is vital for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for growing teens. If they’re not getting enough nutrients, it can lead to problems with concentration and energy levels.
  3. Too Much Screen Time — It’s no secret that teenagers love their screens. Whether it’s phones, computers, or TVs, too much time spent looking at screens can lead to eye strain and headaches. The distraction makes it hard to focus on other tasks. Whether it’s social media, video games, or friends, anything that takes away from focus and distracts the teen can decrease productivity.
  4. Lack of Exercise — Exercise is a great way to boost energy and mood. But many teens are inactive, which can make them feel sluggish and unproductive.
  5. Stress and Anxiety — Stress is a normal part of life, but too much of it can be overwhelming, leading to problems with concentration, sleep, and mood, all of which can make it hard to be productive. Like stress, anxiety can also lead to burnout and make it difficult to focus on tasks.
  6. Depression — This is a severe medical condition that can cause a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, loss of interest in activities, and difficulty concentrating. If left untreated, it can make it very hard to function in everyday life.
  7. Perfectionism – Teens who strive for perfection may never feel like their work is good enough, leading to them never feeling productive.
  8. Poor time management skills – If teens don’t know how to manage their time effectively, they will likely struggle to be productive.
  9. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — ADHD can make it hard to focus and stay on task, leading to decreased productivity.
  10. Procrastination – This is often a result of poor time management skills or lack of motivation. Teens may put off tasks because they don’t want to do them or don’t know how to start.
  11. No Clear Goals or Purpose — It can be hard to be productive if teens don’t have any clear goals or a sense of purpose. Without these, it’s easy to get sidetracked or lost in day-to-day activities.

Of course, there are other reasons for teenage unproductivity, but the issue is usually easily identifiable. If you’re concerned about your teen’s productivity, talk to their doctor or a mental health professional first. A professional can identify any underlying causes and create a plan to help them get back on track. If everything checks out, they may simply require some additional help through a life coach or extra assistance from you.

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Mental Health, Productivity, Teenagers

Is Your Teen Lazy?

Being Unproductive Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Your Teen is Lazy

Lately, it seems like every time you turn around, there’s another study coming out about the dangers of teenage laziness. It will help to look into possible reasons a child might display signs of “laziness” in case that it’s something that can be mitigated.

What if your teen isn’t lazy? What if they’re just unproductive? What if there is a reason for the unproductivity that can be addressed?

It’s essential to understand the difference between laziness and unproductivity. Laziness is a choice – it’s an unwillingness to try. Unproductivity, on the other hand, can result from many different factors. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that your teen is lazy.

There are several reasons why your teen might be unproductive. First, they could be going through a tough time at school or in their personal life. Maybe they’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things they must do. Or perhaps they just need a break in this overly busy topsy turvy world.

Before you worry too much, try to determine if your teen has any of these issues adding to their lack of productivity.

They’re dealing with anxiety or depression.

Anxiety and depression are both pervasive among teenagers. And unfortunately, they can both lead to a lack of motivation and productivity. So if your teen is suddenly uninterested in things they used to love, it could be a sign that they’re dealing with something more than laziness.

They’re procrastinating.

Procrastination is a common problem for teenagers (and adults!). It can be tough to start working on a project when you don’t know where to start, or feel overwhelmed. But the longer they put things off, the harder it becomes. So if your teen is having trouble getting started on their homework or a project, it might be because they’re procrastinating.

They have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism

ADHD and autism make it difficult to focus and stay on task. If your teen constantly forgets things or has trouble paying attention, it could be a sign of either of these.

They’re bored.

Sometimes, teenagers can be unproductive because they’re plain bored. For example, if they’re not challenged at school or they don’t have any hobbies that they’re passionate about, they might not see the point in putting forth any effort.

It’s important to talk to your teen about their unproductivity and help them find ways to overcome it. If they’re feeling overwhelmed, see if there’s anything you can do to lighten their load. It may be as simple as requiring organizational assistance.

If your teen is unproductive, don’t automatically assume it’s because they’re lazy. There could be several reasons they’re struggling to get things done. Whatever the reason for your teen’s lack of productivity, it’s important to talk to them about it.

If they’re dealing with anxiety or depression, they might need professional help. And if they have ADHD, some treatments can help them focus and stay on task. If your teen is bored, try to help them find an activity or hobby they’re enthusiastic about. Whatever the reason, being unproductive doesn’t necessarily mean that your teen is lazy.

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Can You Really Be Too Busy?

Can You Really Be Too Busy?

You know what it’s like to be too busy. You’ve all been there: juggling a million things, running around like a chicken witch its head cut off, and feeling like you’re about to drop from exhaustion. However, you may not realize that being too busy is extremely counterproductive.

It makes you less productive, less effective, and more likely to make mistakes because you’re unable to pay close attention to the job you’re doing. In addition, studies have shown that when you’re under a lot of pressure, your brain doesn’t work as well. That may manifest as trouble focusing and remembering things and show up as careless errors.

And what’s even worse is that the more stressed you are, the harder it is to switch gears and relax. So even if you do have a few free minutes, you’re not able to fully enjoy them or use them effectively.

A few more problems with being too busy are:

  • You may miss important deadlines.
  • You may forget to do essential things.
  • You may neglect your health.
  • You may neglect your relationships.
  • You may become stressed and anxious.

Being too busy is honestly one problem after another. You may even be too busy to notice how ineffective you are in almost every area of your life. Plus, of course, the amount of joy you can feel when you’re overworked and too busy is greatly lessened than if you try to schedule and organize your life in a way that creates a balance with all areas of your life.

So, what can you do about it?

  • Recognize that being too busy is a problem. It’s not something to be proud of or boast about. It’s something to be avoided.
  • List your priorities and stick to them. If you know your needs versus wants, you can schedule them first.
  • Simplify your lifestyle and routine. Focus on your goals and what is most important to you. Identify what brings you joy and what you can live without. Let go of what doesn’t serve you and make room for what does.
  • Organize your time and space. By decluttering your life physically and emotionally, you can make space for what truly matters.
  • Learn to say no. You really can’t do everything, and you shouldn’t try. When you’re already stretched thin, the last thing you need is to take on even more.
  • Make time for Yourself. You need to schedule some downtime every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You must turn off phones, log off from work, and focus on relaxing and recharging. Set boundaries and practice enough self-care.
  • Get enough sleep. Plan to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours a night. Sleep is a crucial part of health and well-being, but it’s often the first thing to go when you’re busy. Ensure you’re getting enough rest so we can be at your best.
  • Ask for help and delegate. You can’t do it all alone, and when you finally admit that you’ll suddenly become much more productive. Asking for help shows strength, not weakness.

If you learn to manage your time better and avoid being too busy, you’ll be more productive, effective, and happier.

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Is Overscheduling Harmful to Your Health?

Is Overscheduling Harmful to Your Health?

When you overschedule yourself, you are harming not only your health but also your productivity. Overscheduling means that you are trying to pack too much into your day, resulting in you feeling overwhelmed and stressed– leading to health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even physical illness.

Here are just a few ways that overscheduling can harm your health:

It leads to burnout

If you’re constantly on the go, it’s only a matter of time before you start to feel burned out. When you’re overscheduled continuously, you never have time to rest and recharge, which can lead to serious health problems down the road.

It increases your stress levels

If you’re always running around trying to juggle everything, it’s no surprise that your stress levels will go through the roof. But unfortunately, high-stress levels directly cost a whole host of mental and physical health problems due to the high cortisone levels you release in your bloodstream.

It disrupts your sleep

When you’re overscheduled, it’s hard to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Unfortunately, this can lead to many health problems, including fatigue, irritability, and depression.

It makes you sick

It will affect your immune system if you’re always on the move and don’t get enough rest. Unfortunately, this means you’re more likely to get sick, and when you do, it’s likely to be more severe than it would otherwise be.

It ruins your relationships

When you’re always running around, it’s tough to find time for the people who are important to you. Plus, you may not be that fun to be around. Over-scheduling can put a strain on even the strongest of relationships.

If you’re starting to feel like you’re overscheduled because you notice the signs of the harm your current schedule is causing in your life, it’s essential to take a step back and reassess your priorities. Of course, your health should always be at the top of your list, so remember to put your needs first.

To avoid overscheduling is to figure out what your priorities are. What are the most important things you need to complete each day? Once you’ve determined your priorities, plan your day around them. Finally, leave some free time in your schedule to relax and rejuvenate yourself.

To create the best schedule for you, be realistic about how much time you have available. Packing too much into your day will make you feel rushed and stressed. When you are rushed and stressed, you will feel anxious and undone. Instead, give yourself enough time to finish tasks, including set up and tear down time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

If you realize you are overscheduled, don’t be afraid to say no to new commitments. You can’t do everything, and that’s okay. Prioritize your time to focus on the essential things in your life.

Overscheduling is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to control your life. Instead, focus on being mindful of your time and priorities. With the right mindset and focus, you can avoid overscheduling and live a healthier, happier life.

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