
Proof That letting go Is Exactly What You Are Looking For

Letting Go

Over the last couple of weeks I have moved house. This has meant a lot of sorting, packing, cleaning, decluttering, making decisions. I found myself feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis. This lead to procrastination, with me sitting amongst boxes in tears, unable to make the simplest decisions about what to let go and what to pack. After several days of this happening, I decided to meditate on my need to start letting go. I found an amazing guided meditation Insight Timer by Sarah Blondin, called Healing Through Letting Go https://insighttimer.com/sarahblondin/guided-meditations/healing-through-letting-go
When I did this meditation, I found myself being able to let go of “stuff” that I was unable to let go of the day before. I reduced about 50 folders and their contents to 1 small container of paper. That in inself was a huge change in the way I saw my need to hold on to all this hard copy.
Then, I started to look at the reasons I why needed to hold on. One folder was a workshop I attended some 10 years ago, on the Law of Attraction. I kept it because I was very keen on the topic and eager to know more. This was a great resource at the time. Since then, I have spent 12 months training with Christy Whitman, Quantum Success Coaching Academy, to gain certification as a Law of Attraction coach myself. That was 5 years ago. I now know more than what that folder ever held, yet I still carried it with me as a resource, just because I couldn’t make the decision to let it go.

As I started to let go, an amazing thing happened. The more I let go, the easier it became to let go of more. While my day would finish with only 1 moving box packed, I felt OK because 3 to 4 boxes of stuff had been moved to rubbish, recycle or repurpose at the local charity store.
As the clutter around me became lighter, so did my mood, and my energy increased.
As a LOA coach, I believe that we have an emotional attachment to everything we keep in our lives. So there was an invisible thread connecting me to each and every piece of paper I was hoarding
‘just in case”, and that it took energy to hold on to that thread. So my clutter was draining me of energy on a daily basis without me even being aware of it.
I did share some of my moving experiences on my FB page if you want to hear more about them.

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