Why Being Productive Matters

Why Being Productive Matters

It is challenging to stay focused and be productive in this maximum information world where you are constantly inundated with distractions. Whether checking your phones, browsing social media, or watching television, there are always things vying for your attention. However, since you only have so much time (time is the most limited resource), it’s essential to use time wisely if your goal is productivity.

Being productive does not require continuous motion or busy work. It simply means you use your time in a way that benefits you. It may seem strange, but doing what you love is productive regardless of what the world has taught you.

It may mean working on a project, hobby, or task you’re passionate about. It may also mean taking care of necessary errands like grocery shopping or cleaning the house. It may also mean hacking away at your to-do list created based on your goals that match your principles, morals, and values. That’s the key—it’s up to you.

There are many benefits to being productive.

  • You’re more likely to see progress in your life
  • You’ll achieve your goals
  • You’ll have high self-esteem
  • You’ll feel a sense of satisfaction
  • You’ll feel pride in your life
  • You’ll experience way less stress, overwhelm, and anxiety
  • You’ll feel a greater sense of purpose
  • You’ll feel as if life is worth living
  • You’ll have more free time

When you take the time to focus on one task at a time, based on your well-researched plan, you’ll promptly get everything you need. Then, when you finish something, you can move on to the next thing feeling more successful.

Plus, when you have things to do that you care about, you’ll realize what a difference you make in the world. When you feel important to the world, you’re more likely to live a satisfying life and live up to your true capabilities.

There are many advantages to being productive. Productivity ensures you achieve your goals, feel good about yourself, reduce stress, and give you a sense of purpose. When you use your time wisely and focus on being productive, you’ll be able to create the life you want and live a more fulfilling existence.

When you are genuinely productive in life, you manage your time well, which gives you more control over your life and how you want to spend your time. And that is invaluable. Plus, the better you are at being productive, the better your children will be at it too. Children learn best from the adults they are closer to and tend to model that behavior, for good or ill.

Ask yourself, are you being productive with your time?

What changes can you make to make better use of your time?

How can you focus more on what’s important to you in order to achieve your goals and create a life you love?

When you take the time to focus on being productive, you’ll be amazed at all you can achieve. Understanding why being productive matters is definitely worth your time. After all, your time is one of the truly limited resources, and how you use it will make a real difference in your level of productivity. Furthermore, when your productivity improves, you’ll see proof that it matters in the results you create.

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Is Your Child Unproductive

Is Your Child Unproductive?

Watching your child struggle is the worst feeling. Of course, you want them to succeed in everything they do, but sometimes it seems like they can’t get ahead. If you realize your child is having trouble completing tasks, is easily distracted, or doesn’t seem to know how to prioritize, it may be time to talk to them about productivity.

These signs offer signals that your child is unproductive, and if left unchecked, your child may start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. With guidance, your child will learn to be more productive and accomplish their goals.

Pay attention if your child has these issues:

  • Trouble Completing Tasks in a Reasonable Time Fram
  • Easily Distracted and Have Issues Focusing
  • Lack of Goalsetting skills, and They Don’t Know How to Prioritize
  • Don’t Start What They Plan and Don’t Finish What They Start
  • Have Unrealistic Expectations and Suffer from Perfectionism
  • Allow Others to Pressure Them
  • Act Out Emotionally

Helping your child with goalsetting will give them something to work towards and provide a sense of accomplishment when they reach their goals. You can also help them create a plan to achieve those goals. This may involve breaking down tasks into smaller steps or teaching them how to prioritize their time better.

Encourage your child to take small, reasonable steps daily to achieve their goals. With a little effort and support from you when they need it, your child will learn to be more productive and may even surprise themselves with what they can accomplish.

Help them learn how important it is to protect their time, so they avoid overscheduling – a leading cause of overwhelm in the unproductive child. An over-scheduled child is always busy, but everything is just too much, so nothing ever gets done. When nothing gets done, the pressure will overwhelm them because kids typically care a lot about what others think and allow that to pressure them more than they may realize. Children thrive with reasonable schedules more than they do with a lot of clutter and disorganization about how they’ll spend their time.

When you help them get stuff done and mark it off their list, they will learn how it feels to be genuinely productive. In addition, as a parent, you can instill a sense of pride in their success by making it a point to celebrate accomplishments. Too often, children are not given enough credit for their achievements and think their parents are just being nice when they praise them. Instead, children need to understand that their parents are proud of their accomplishments and that they have worked hard to achieve them.

When you help your child learn what true productivity feels like and that it does not require continuously being busy all the time, they will be more likely to enjoy getting stuff done in record time so they can enjoy their downtime more. After all, everyone deserves to have a good life that doesn’t just involve things that are work.

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Why Can’t I Follow Through?

Why Can’t I Follow Through?

Do you struggle with the act of following through?

Not finishing what we start is a common problem many people face in their life. It can quickly become a problem as these tasks stack up and start to weigh on us. While there are many reasons we may put things off, here are several of the most common.

You Are Stuck In Your Habits

One reason you may not be able to follow through with something new is that you are stuck in old habits. You might be unconsciously doing the same things you’ve always done, and thus you get the same results – failure to follow through.

To remedy this problem, you need to break your bad habits and build new helpful habits to replace them instead.

You Aren’t Being Proactive

Another reason you might not be following through with commitments is because you aren’t being proactive. Maybe you are just sitting around hoping that something or someone will come along and force you to follow through. Newsflash – that isn’t going to happen.

If you want to follow through with something, you need to be proactive and ultimately actively involved in trying to follow through. Taking action is the only way you will ever become better at following through in your life.

You Have A Negative Mindset

If you have a negative mindset in life, it can be very difficult to follow through with commitments. When you spend your whole day thinking of negative thoughts, the thought of following through with something seems so daunting, and negative.

For example, if your goal is to work out every day to get into shape, but then you spend all day thinking about how you hate working out, how you’ll never be in shape, and how you won’t ever be the person you want to be, you can guarantee you won’t get up off that couch and go exercise. Instead, it’s time to try approaching your goal with a positive mindset.

Overall, following through isn’t always the easiest thing for us to do. If you find yourself stuck in old habits and have a negative mindset, you can almost guarantee that nothing will change when it comes to your ability to follow through. So, if you want to be someone who follows through, it’s time to be proactive and take steps to change your life today.

What have you started and not finished? If you would like some help in getting back on track with this project then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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What Can I Learn From Tasks I Fail to Finish?

What Can I Learn From Tasks I Fail to Finish?

It’s quite likely there’s been a task you’ve failed to finish at some point in your life, whether it was a project at work or maybe even one in your personal life.

However, although failing to finish something isn’t a great feeling, there are many ways you can learn from the tasks you fail to complete.

How Not To Do The Task

The first thing you will learn from failing to complete a task is how not to do it. This lesson might seem a little silly, but it matters – a lot. Learning what not to do, is an essential part of the learning process. The next time you aim to complete this task, you know what actions and behaviors to avoid. The more times you fail, the more ways you learn how not to accomplish your task. 

You Will Learn Something About Yourself

Whenever you fail at anything in life, it will teach you a lesson about yourself. Failure – and more importantly – your reaction to failure will teach you a lot about yourself. It will be an insight into your ability to deal with obstacles. You can also learn about your ability to bounce back from failure. Most importantly, failure can reveal weaknesses you need to address or strengths you never knew you had.

That It’s Time To Move On

Sometimes, when you fail to finish a task, it may teach you that it is time to move on. While on the one hand, you don’t want to give up; on the other hand, you need to examine if it is worthwhile pursuing in the first place.

This lesson is especially true if the reason for failure is completely out of your control. Maybe there isn’t a market for that new product idea. Socio-economic issues that you can’t do anything about might impact your career. These are times it might be time to move on.

It’s also important to examine if your goals still reflect your current values and needs. If you regularly fail to complete a task, maybe it is because it isn’t that important to you anymore?  Why waste energy on tasks that don’t reflect who you are?


You will likely come across a task you cannot finish at some time during your life. Don’t fret, though. When you fail to complete a task, it can teach you several important lessons. You can apply those lessons to your next task to ensure you can complete it and finally achieve success.

What have you started and not finished? If you would like some help in getting back on track with this project then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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The Top 3 Reasons We Don’t Finish What We Start

The Top 3 Reasons We Don’t Finish What We Start

Do you feel as if you are constantly leaving a trail of half-finished projects in your wake? Are you the type of person who has one project in particular that you’ve always wanted to finish but just haven’t gotten around to it? If that sounds familiar, keep reading to find the top three reasons you tend not to finish what you’ve started.

  1. You’ve Lost Motivation

When you started the project, your enthusiasm for starting something new first motivated you. However, if you haven’t seen any results in some time, this may have caused your motivation to lower. The best way to combat this loss of motivation is by breaking your project down into more manageable pieces and rewarding yourself along the way for steps well done. Conquering these more manageable pieces will help keep you motivated even when the project is long.

2. Negative Thoughts About The Project

Another reason you may find it difficult to complete a task is because of the way you think about the project. When it comes to mind, do you think you will never finish it or is your mind filled with thoughts of how hard the project is? Both are negative paths of thinking, and they will keep you from finishing the project. Instead, it’s time to transform your thinking to be positive regarding the project you are trying to complete. A more positive outlook will give you new energy and motivation to complete the task.

3. Lack Of Discipline

Another reason people can’t finish the projects they start is a lack of self-discipline. A person with self-discipline doesn’t give up when the going gets tough. They also tend to avoid procrastinating or slacking off. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s probably time that you work to cultivate self-discipline in your life. Boosting your self-discipline will ensure you can start finishing all the projects you start.

In conclusion, finishing what you start is quite often difficult. The most likely reason you cannot finish projects is probably one of the above reasons. If you want to enjoy feelings of success, it’s time that you get to the bottom of your reason for not finishing a project and then work towards conquering the reason. This way, the next project you start, or one you have left uncompleted, will finally be done. After all, it’s always better to be late than never finish at all.

What have you started and not finished? If you would like some help in getting back on track with this project then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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How Finishing What You Start Can Change Your Life

How Finishing What You Start Can Change Your Life


If you constantly leave unfinished projects by the wayside, you know all too well how it feels not to finish a task. But the truth is, you can’t accomplish anything if you never finish what you start. It’s time for you to learn how to finish tasks because finishing tasks can change your life in several beneficial ways.

You’ll Find You Have More Career Options

No one wants to hire an employee who doesn’t finish projects or often leaves them partially complete. Once you demonstrate that you can finish projects every time they are assigned, you’ll find that you receive more promotions and other career paths open to you that weren’t there before.

 You Will Feel More Relaxed

Leaving unfinished projects in your life creates anxiety in your mind whether you realize this or not. When you begin to finish projects instead of leaving them undone, you’ll find that you feel much more peaceful and less anxious about the world around you. This will have profound effects on your mood and your relationships with others in your life.

You Will Feel Success

People often undermine the power of feeling successful. It really is a feeling which puts you on top of the world. Once you feel successful in one task, it will spill over into all your other tasks. This momentum will propel you to be more successful in your life. All from just finishing one task.

You Will Be Ready For Your Future

With the feelings of success that come from finishing what you start, you will also enjoy feelings of preparedness. Feeling more prepared will make you feel ready to face the future ahead. Future changes and projects will seem less scary and easier to accomplish, paving the way for future tasks for you to finish with ease.

Finishing what you start is not an easy task, but once you get the ball rolling and truly get yourself to complete tasks, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the benefits which follow. You’ll not only have more options in your life, but you’ll also feel more emotionally at peace with these options. And don’t forget you’ll also feel success, which will keep you on the road to achieving your dreams.

What have you started and not finished? If you would like some help in getting back on track with this project then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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Fears That Hold You Back From Finishing What You Start

Do you constantly find yourself starting a project you have every intention of finishing, and then you simply don’t finish it?

This failure to finish could simply be you harboring several fears that are holding you back from finishing what you start.

Fear Of Failure

The fear of failure is one of the most common fears people deal with. Almost everyone will experience it at some point in their life. This fear with undoubtedly hold you back from finishing what you start.

This fear will hold you back from doing what needs to be done to conquer things that may be difficult or out of your comfort zone. The fear of failure often leads to procrastination. So, to conquer your procrastination habit, it’s time first to learn to face your fear of failure.

Fear Of Losing Something

Although this fear isn’t as common as a fear of failure, one of the reasons you may be putting something off is because of your fear of losing something. Whenever you complete a project, you will be putting yourself through changes.

This change can be scary and may cause you to fear losing something you currently have in your life. It would be best if you overcome this fear. Change is good and realizing this is important. Even if you do lose some things along the way, you are working towards something bigger and better.

Fear That Others Will Judge You

Another common fear is that your peers will judge you. And this one, unfortunately, could be true. If you have goals, dreams, and aspirations that might seem odd to other people, you may put them off or give up on them forever.

You might want to learn to ski but put it off because you are afraid others might judge your beginner attempts. That was me for many years, then, in my mid forties, I faced the fear and did it anyway. Not only did I improve on my beginner attempts, but I ended up loving it. It opened up a whole new world for me as I took to skiing around the world! Have you been put off by peer pressure?

Part of life is accepting that you are okay if people judge you and your actions. You know who you are and what you are doing, so don’t let others’ perceptions of you change your behaviour.

Overall, if you are struggling to finish something you’ve already started, it’s probably because of one of these internal fears. The best way to work towards finishing what you start is by learning to conquer these three fears so that you can go on to be successful in all of your endeavours.

What fears are holding you back, or stopping you from doing something you love?

I would love to hear them. If you need help to overcome any of these fears, then click HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.

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5 Essential Tips to Finish What You Start

5 Essential Tips to Finish What You Start

Do you struggle to finish projects? Are you currently struggling with a specific project (or ten) in your life that you can’t seem to finish? Let me guess, do you have more than a few household tasks on your to-do list?

Don’t worry – you aren’t alone. Many people struggle to follow through on their tasks. Here are five essential tips to help you finish what you’ve started.

  1. Make A Plan

First and foremost, the number one way to finish everything you start is by making a plan before you start. A well-thought-out plan ensures you will be aware of the work your project requires and have an idea of how you will proceed. It is also a good time to break the project into smaller chunks to make it easier to conquer. Don’t forget to take some time to brainstorm potential problems you may encounter along the way.

  1. Take A Break

If you feel overstressed at some point during your project, and it leads to other negative feelings like frustration, it’s okay to take a break. A break is a great way to refresh both your body and mind. Get hydrated, move around, find some time to take in the present world around you.

  1. Identify Your Distractions

Maybe you’re finding every reason under the sun not to work on your project. It’s time to identify these distractions and how they may be affecting you. If the distraction is easily removed, remove it. If it’s more of a mental distraction, it may be time to look into something like meditation to help you clear your mind. Whatever your distractions are, it’s time to identify and eliminate them so you can focus on your goal.

  1. Track Your Progress

Many projects remain unfinished because they are long, and you lose sight of the end goal somewhere in the middle. To maintain motivation, you need to track your progress on the goal as you go. You may even want to consider rewarding yourself for a job well done at certain points to maintain your motivation.

  1. Visualise The End

Even if you are tracking your project, you may find that you’ve lost sight of your end goal. This is why you should frequently spend time visualizsing your end goal in your mind. It will help you remember why you are working on your goal in the first place.

Finishing what you start is never easy, but if you follow these five essential tips, you may find that you can finish it with ease the next time you start a project.

If you struggle to finish what you start, click HERE for a FREE Discovery Call to find out how to complete your projects.

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3 Steps to Finish What You Start

3 Steps to Finish What You Start

Do you often struggle to finish the projects you start, even when you have every intention of finishing them?

Believe it or not, this is a common problem that most people face. Luckily, you can follow a few steps to ensure that you can become the type of person who finishes a project once you start it.

  1. Make A Plan

The first step to finishing a task is making sure you have a plan at the beginning. It needs to be a plan which you write down. A mental note isn’t worth the piece of paper it is written on. You may want to jump in and start something in your excitement, but you might not realize all the work and challenges you will face. When you take the time to make a plan, this will better prepare you for the task at hand, and you’ll be able to spot problems much more easily.

  1. Take A Break

If you find yourself getting overly frustrated or beginning to loathe the project because you’ve been working on it for so long, it’s okay to take a short break. This break will help reset your mind and focus. You might even be able to solve some of the problems you are facing while you take this little breather. Just make sure that when you set an endpoint to your break, this way you can hold yourself to it and not just abandon the project.

  1. Make Small Goals and Rewards For Yourself

As you plan how you will conquer your task or project, break your goal into smaller mini-goals. Then, cross them off and reward yourself as you complete them. It will help keep you on task, and you’ll be able to feel as if you are making progress, even if it’s small.  This progress will do wonders to keep your spirits high while working on the project. The little rewards you are giving yourself will probably help too.

So next time you get excited about a new project or goal in your life, slow down a bit and make a plan, complete with smaller goals and rewards for yourself. Then, as you pursue the project, don’t be afraid to take small breaks if you need to recuperate. Chances are, thanks to these three steps, you will be much more likely to finish your new goal than leave it abandoned.

If you struggle to finish what you start, click HERE for a FREE Discovery Call to find out how to complete your projects.

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Obstacles that Keep You from Being Present

Obstacles that Keep You from Being Present

When you want to live in the now, there are obstacles that can get in the way and stop you from being fully present.

Distractions are one of these. You can set a goal to be more present then it seems like one thing after another happens to get in the way of that goal. Sometimes these distractions can be problems at home or work. They could also be thoughts or habits that keep cropping up.

Closely linked to the problem of distractions is stress. When you’re under stress, it can be hard to keep your mind’s focus where you want it to be. That’s because your brain is busy trying to solve the current crisis.

Your body starts to react to stress in ways that aren’t conducive to living in the present. When your breathing and your body aren’t calm, it’s much harder to soothe your mind and focus your thoughts.

Too many demands on you physically can also be an obstacle to keep you from being mindful. When you reach the end of your physical strength, it can be hard to find the mental strength that you need.

If you’re not feeling well, you’re tired, or you’re under stress, your mind will have a harder time keeping the focus where it needs to be.

Any time that a physical need is present, it can be an obstacle. If you’re thirsty, your mind might want to focus on that only. If you’re hungry, your mind might not be able to focus on anything but food.

When a physical need nags at the back of your subconscious mind, you can have a lot of trouble centreing your mind on anything else. When you want to practice living in the present, you need to be sure that no physical needs are distracting you from reaching the level of awareness.

If you have a cold or other health ailment, that can be an obstacle. If you have a headache, toothache or are hurting anywhere in your body, those can make it difficult to achieve a state of focus for being present. It could be that all you can think about is how bad you’re feeling or how much pain you’re in. Any physical issues that are going on should be dealt with first.

Having a time crunch is another roadblock to mindfulness. If your life is so packed with activities and responsibilities that fitting one more thing in it seems overwhelming, you’ll have difficulty obtaining the awareness needed for living in the present.

Your own thoughts can get in the way, too. Thinking that you’re not good enough or that you can’t keep your focus is a common obstacle. Many people make the mistake of thinking that living in the present is something they can do just by wanting it.

However, it’s something that takes both effort and consistency. If you gently bring your focus back around each time you lose it, then you will eventually be able to live in the present for longer periods.

When it’s difficult is when many people give up. They want instant results and being mindful isn’t something that happens overnight. You need to work at it even when it’s not as easy as you’d like it to be.

Whatever you’re doing right now, try to stop a moment and pause. Take a breath and refocus. This is a simple way that you can calm your racing mind and body so that you can be fully present.

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