
The Top 3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Living in the NOW!

Living in the now may sound like a New Age concept for hippies, but it can be one of the most powerful tools for living your best life once you start to practice it.  We are human beings, not human ‘doings’, and yet most of us, especially in the West, are constantly chasing after what we believe to be ‘success’.

Yet success is not a fixed concept. It is in the eye of the beholder. In the West, being a veterinarian, doctor or lawyer might be considered a sign of success, yet we know that there are many unhappy doctors. In fact, they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. (Veterinarians are actually #1 on the list of professionals most likely to commit suicide.)

The drive to constantly do something makes us distracted and keeps us so focused on the daily grind that we have little time for relaxation, de-stressing, or self-development. Even worse, it makes us feel stuck, as if we can’t change because we have no time, that the whole world we have created for ourselves will fall apart and more.

Here, you will discover the power of living in the now in order to achieve personal transformation, and how you can be more present in your life in every sense of the word.

Let’s look at one of the main reasons we fail to live fully in the present and sacrifice our personal power, the mistake of living in the past.

  1. Let Go of the Past

Many of us think we are living in the present, day after day, but the truth is that we are often more focused on the past and future than on the present. We are plugged into a particular role in our family from the time we are born.

Yet it is all a question of perception. For example, having children may be a priority to one person to continue the human race, yet another may believe that zero children is the way to go, because of the current world situation, not wanting to be responsible for bringing a child into a world that is already overcrowded, with many people living below the poverty line.

Old habits die hard, even when you long to make positive changes in your life. Sticking to your worst habits you know you should change is a lot easier than breaking them, such as quitting smoking or stopping overeating.

We also stay stuck in order to avoid conflict. No one wants to be alone in life, so we put up with certain situations in order to maintain the relationship. Why? Because change is scary. For anyone who has ever wondered how any battered wife would remain with the spouse who has been harming her, the truth is that the future is more frightening for her than her current situation, even though it is so terrible.

The past soon becomes a pattern. And If something traumatic happens to us, it can often cause us to ‘freeze’ in that moment and have trouble moving on, or changing. A death in the family might be one example. A bad break-up with a spouse might be another, causing us to have trouble ever trusting or loving anyone ever again.

Living in the present allows you to create a new identity by releasing the pain and the self-limiting thoughts from the past, and taking things one day at a time. 

  1. Avoid Getting Wrapped Up in the Future

Another reason we get stuck in our lives is because we get too wrapped up in the future and don’t pay enough attention to the present. Most of us are so busy chasing the future of our dreams that we overlook the joys of the present. Even worse, if we don’t get what we think we desperately want, our life might seem ‘ruined’. Look at all the pressure put on teens to get good grades so they can get into the college of their choice. If they don’t get in for any reason, they often feel as if they are failure or as if their life is ruined.

Happily married couples think kids and a home of their own will make their lives perfect, until they discover one of the partners is infertile or the roof starts to fall in due to heavy winter snow. It’s times like these that test a person’s character, and often make or break even the best relationships.

Outside stresses abound, but we place a lot of stress on ourselves due to all our expectations, thoughts and desires. We spend so much time chasing after the future we want, such as money for the down payment on that dream house, we fail to live in the now. We do what we have to in order to keep our jobs so we can keep on earning in order to pay the mortgage, but there seems little time for anything other than work and other commitments. Then we get frustrated and feel like a giant hamster running in a wheel all the time.

This constant doing instead of being, of living in the future, instead of living in the now, can cause anger and frustration to build. Very few of us are at our best when we are stressed and angry. It can cause us to do something we will regret; such as do or say something to our partner that might be very hurtful.

The truth is that your life unfolds moment by moment in the present. In the time it’s taken you to read that sentence, about 10 seconds have already passed into the past. By the time you finish, which might take about another 10 seconds, those future seconds will become the present, and then the past.

Understanding this can help you realize just how precious your time is, and how each present moment is the foundation to a happier future if you take time to live in the now.

  1. Live in the Present

There are many ways you can train yourself to cut links with the past and stop chasing the future so you can live in the present. This will mean some focus and effort, but the results will be well worth it.

  • Try meditation.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Don’t follow your thoughts.
  • Give up the myth of multitasking.
  • Don’t follow your fantasies.
  • Stop thinking the grass is greener.
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
  • Just do it, and pay attention while you do it.
  • Set your intention for the day and for each action.
  • Stop judging.
  • Always begin where you are.
  • Your best is good enough.
  • Stop watching the clock all the time.
  • Go with the flow.
  • Divorce yourself from media.
  • Make regular time for loved ones.

As American cartoonist Bil Keane said, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”

Being present is a gift that will keep on giving, to your family, and above all, yourself, as you discover the power of living in the here and now. 

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