


As a certified Law of Attraction coach, mentor and mum, with many years experience as a midwife, Lyn loves empowering working mums so they can love the life they live right NOW. Lyn reared 4 children as a working mum, so has many years of experience to bring to her work.

She helps mums:

Who are feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed trying to do a constant juggling act with family, business and life

Who are ready to see the relationship between time and money DIFFERENTLY so that you can have an abundance of both

Who want to learn the art of having it all sooner, rather than later

Who want to get off the hamster wheel and start moving forward

Live the life they love NOW

Create CALM from CHAOS

At Lyn Bailey – Lifestyle by Design – we do things a bit differently. We won’t just tell you what you are supposed to do, we will work with you to discover the best solutions for YOU – the solutions that will give you the most rewarding, abundant, successful and fulfilling life possible.

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