Save Money with a Minimalism Mindset

An effective way to save money with a minimalist mindset is to focus on experiences instead of material things. Of course, you don’t need to forgo all your possessions and live a life of austerity. It’s just about making mindful decisions to spend your money on experiences that will bring you lasting joy instead of […]

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Minimalism Habits to Adopt

There are many ways to live a minimalist lifestyle. Some people choose to live with less stuff, while others focus on simplifying their daily routines. Regardless of your approach, there are several key habits that all minimalists should adopt to simplify their lives. 1. Let go of stuff you don’t need One of the most […]

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Improve Your Relationships by Embracing Minimalism

Improve Your Relationships by Embracing Minimalism Minimalism is a movement not advocating for doing without and suffering. It’s more about keeping only the things around that you really need to reduce clutter – in your mind and your environment. Minimalism benefits relationships in many ways. Besides freeing up time to be together because neither of […]

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How Minimalism Can Make You a Happier Person

There are many ways in which minimalism makes people happier. For one, it can declutter your life and help you focus on what’s important. A minimalist lifestyle can also simplify your life and help you save money. Additionally, minimalism can help you appreciate your things and find contentment in a less materialistic way of life. […]

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Handy Products for Organizing Your Home

Handy Products for Organizing Your Home Storage solutions like baskets, bins, and shelves are very handy for keeping your home organized. Baskets are great for corralling smaller items like gloves, scarves, and hats, while bins and shelves can store more oversized items like blankets, towels, and out-of-season clothing. Let’s look at how you can use […]

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Is Your Child Unproductive

Is Your Child Unproductive? Watching your child struggle is the worst feeling. Of course, you want them to succeed in everything they do, but sometimes it seems like they can’t get ahead. If you realize your child is having trouble completing tasks, is easily distracted, or doesn’t seem to know how to prioritize, it may […]

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Unproductive Habits to Break

Common Unproductive Habits to Break Teenagers can fall into many unproductive habits, which can prevent them from reaching their full potential. Some of the most common unproductive habits include: Phone Habits It’s easy to get lost in your phone and waste hours scrolling through social media or playing games. To break this habit, try setting […]

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11 Causes of Unproductivity in Teens

11 Causes of Unproductivity in Teens There are many potential reasons teenagers may experience problems with productivity throughout the years. For example, hormonal changes during puberty sometimes lead to mood swings and even disorganization. The teenage years also sometimes mark a period of social upheaval as teens try to find their place in the world […]

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Is Your Teen Lazy?

Being Unproductive Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Your Teen is Lazy Lately, it seems like every time you turn around, there’s another study coming out about the dangers of teenage laziness. It will help to look into possible reasons a child might display signs of “laziness” in case that it’s something that can be mitigated. What if […]

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How Clutter Impacts Your Mental Health

How Clutter Impacts Your Mental Health Whether it’s a messy desk, a crammed closet, or a pile of unopened mail, clutter makes people feel stressed, anxious, and even depressed. But did you know that clutter can also seriously impact your mental health? A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that rats exposed to […]

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