
Month: March 2018

  • I love Pixabay in WordPress

    I love Pixabay in WordPress

    I have just added the Pixabay plugin to my WordPress website and just love how easy it is to use. You can download free pics from inside your website, without having to import first. Not only are the photos free, but there is no copyright!

    I have added the three  pics to this post using Pixabay. How awesome is that!

    I just love the snow and look how easy it is to get

    a fantastic pic, just one of many.

    I have also travelled to Alaska and the Arctic Circle twice, and would love to cruise to Antarctica.

    Cruise ships are my favourite mode of transport for holidays.

    I have used 3 different sizes of pics just to show the ease and versatility of this plugin.



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  • Got the Mummy guilts?

    Got the Mummy guilts?

    Want more family time?

    Can you relate to any of these challenges?

    • You feel like you are spreading yourself TOO THIN and not giving anyone or anything the attention they deserve
    • You are working because you HAVE to and not because you WANT to
    • You feel constantly GUILTY that you are neglecting your children, your partner, your work, yourself…..
    • You are constantly TIRED, lacking in ENERGY and SLEEP DEPRIVED
    • You are not coping the way that the EXPERTS and the BOOKS say that you should be.

    You are absolutely not alone As a working mum, midwife, coach and mentor, who has worked with mums for over 40 years, I have a passion for helping mums to love all aspects of their life and be the best they can be.  I have found that many mums face challenges when it comes to balancing time for family, time for work and time for themselves.

    PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

    How much better would you feel about your life if you had help with

    • Creating many more GOOD DAYS than bad days?
    • Getting CLARITY about your role – what is being a mother REALLY all about?
    • Understanding that you are NOT ALONE?
    • Feeling in CONTROL of all aspects of your life?
    • Giving yourself PERMISSION to live life according to YOUR rules and not everyone else’s?
    • Having an extra hour a day to spend how you want?
    • Freeing up time for YOU to ENJOY YOUR FAMILY each and every day?
    • Developing strategies and processes to make changes, move FORWARD and COPE better with the bad days?

    These are just some of the things that we cover when we work together in my 12 week Love the Life You Live NOW coaching program.

    To find out more about transforming your life, and living the life of your dreams NOW, just contact me for a FREE 15 minute introduction session.

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  • What do you hope to achieve in 2018?

    What do you hope to achieve in 2018?

    If you haven’t already planned for your success, today is a great day to start.

    It is never too late to start. Take 30 minutes, get a glass of water or cup of coffee, whatever your non-alcoholic drink of choice, a pen and paper, then find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for that 30 minutes.


    There are 3 steps to planning for your success.

    1. List
    2. Prioritise
    3. Act

    List: Make a list of all that you would like to achieve in 2018

    Prioritise: Now review the list for a few minutes and decide what is your number 1 success you would like to accomplish in 2018 and place a 1 in from of it. Now look at the list and select number 2, then number 3. You can continue down the list if you wish, but the important factor here is to have numbers 1, 2, 3 beside your top 3 priorities.

    Act: Now look at priority number 1 and list 1 action you can take today to make it start to become a reality. It does not matter how small that step is, just take it TODAY. Then repeat for number 2 and 3 on your priority list.

    At the end of the day, you will be one step closer to each of your desired successes for 2018.

    When we look at the Opera House and the mighty ships that sail past her, we see magnificent structures. Just remember, they all started with just one step, the first inspired step. Imagine what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail!




    For me, one of my main 3 goals for this year was to start blogging. It has taken almost 3 months, but here is my first attempt. Today, I decided to take action and write a blog. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it only has to BE. I’m even putting it on my website to get that started!  Remember, imperfect action is better than no action. What action are you going to take today?

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